Lowongan Kerja Basarnas (Badan SAR Nasional)



Lowongan Kerja Basarnas

About Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas)

Badan SAR Nasional – BASARNAS is the National Search and Rescue Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, BASARNAS is a non ministrial government agencies in Indonesia in charge of carrying out government duties in the field of civil search and rescue (SAR) matters of interagency interest within Indonesia. The Agency is based in Jakarta and its head office is registered at Jl Angkasa Blok B15 KAV 2-3 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat.


Basarnas has a fundamental duty to carry out the construction, coordination, and control potential in the SAR and SAR of the material is lost or feared to be lost or at risk in shipping and / or aviation, as well as providing assistance in disasters and other calamities SAR in accordance with national and international regulations. Clearly the duties and functions of the SAR is handling the disaster voyage and / or flight, and / or disaster and / or other calamity in search and rescue efforts during disasters. The handling of the disaster in question covers two main topics, namely the search (search) and relief (rescue). In carrying out the task of handling the shipping and aviation disasters should be in line with IMO and ICAO.

Basarnas history began with the publication of Presidential Decree No 11 of 1972 dated February 28, 1972 on Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency (Kasari), with the main task to deal with accidents and shipping disasters. Kasari is responsible to the President and the implementation in the field submitted to PUSARNAS (Centre National SAR) headed by an official from the Department of Transportation.

In 1980 based on the decision of the Minister of Transportation number KM.91 / OT.002 / PHB-80 and KM 164 / OT.002 / PHB-80, on the organization and working procedures of the Department of Transportation, PUSARNAS a National SAR Agency (BASARNAS). Changes in the organizational structure BASARNAS improved in 1998 based on the Ministry of Transportation number KM. 80 In 1998, on the Organization and Administration of BASARNAS and KM. Number 81 of 1998 on the Organization and Administration of the Office of the SAR. In 2001, the organizational structure changes BASARNAS held in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation KM. Number 24 of 2001 on the Organization and Administration of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation Minister Decree No. 79 of 2002 on the Organization and Management of the Office of Search and Rescue (SAR).

With the increasing demand of the people of SAR services and the changing circumstances of Indonesia and to keep abreast of developments in science and technology, the SAR organization in Indonesia continues to adjustment from time to time. SAR organizations in Indonesia are currently governed by the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. KM 43 Year 2005 on the Organization and Management of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation Minister Decree No. KM 79 Year 2002 concerning Organization and the Office of the SAR. In order to continue improving SAR services to the public, the government has issued Government Regulation No. 36 of 2006 on Search and Rescue, which provides that implementation of the SAR (which includes operations and activities of search, rescue, and save lives that were lost or at risk in the disaster voyage, and / or airlines, or disaster or other calamity) which is coordinated by Basarnas under and responsible directly to the president. Following the Government Regulation, Basarnas are currently trying to develop its organization as a Non Departmental Government Institutions as host of the SAR efforts are effective, efficient, fast, reliable, and secure.

Finally, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 99 In 2007, BASARNAS designated as Non Departmental Government Institutions (Officials) which is under and responsible directly to the President. Date 16 September 2014 Act No.. 29 Year 2014 concerning Search and Rescue was approved by Commission V of the House of Representatives.

Basarnas led by Head of the National SAR Agency in charge of two (2) deputy is the Deputy for Operations and Field Potential and Principal Secretary. Deputy for Operations is responsible for the implementation of rescue operations while Deputy Potential responsible for the construction of both the potential SAR Human Resources and SAR facilities. Deputy for Operations consist of the Operations Directorate and the Directorate of Communication. Deputy potential consists of: the Directorate of Infrastructure and Directorate of Workforce and Correctional SAR. Home Secretary consist of: General Bureau, the Legal Bureau and the Civil Service, the Bureau of Planning and KTLN, Data and Information Centre, and the Inspectorate.

In carrying out its core functions, Basarnas has the Technical Execution Unit (UPT) in an area called the SAR and Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Training Center. Currently there are 34 offices ranging from 12 SAR SAR Office Office Class A and 22 Class B. Office SAR SAR has the responsibility to carry out the construction, coordination and execution of rescue operations in the region.

Kantor SAR Class A adalah :

  1. Kantor SAR Medan
  2. Kantor SAR Jakarta
  3. Kantor SAR Surabaya
  4. Kantor SAR Denpasar
  5. Kantor SAR Makassar
  6. Kantor SAR Biak
  7. Kantor SAR Manado
  8. Kantor SAR Padang
  9. Kantor SAR Semarang
  10. Kantor SAR Lampung
  11. Kantor SAR Bandung
  12. Kantor SAR Banda Aceh

Kantor SAR Class B adalah :

  1. Kantor SAR Pekanbaru
  2. Kantor SAR Tanjung Pinang
  3. Kantor SAR Pangkal Pinang
  4. Kantor SAR Palembang
  5. Kantor SAR Palu
  6. Kantor SAR Pontianak
  7. Kantor SAR Banjarmasin
  8. Kantor SAR Balikpapan
  9. Kantor SAR Ternate
  10. Kantor SAR Kendari
  11. Kantor SAR Kupang
  12. Kantor SAR Mataram
  13. Kantor SAR Ambon
  14. Kantor SAR Jayapura
  15. Kantor SAR Sorong
  16. Kantor SAR Timika
  17. Kantor SAR Merauke
  18. Kantor SAR Yogyakarta
  19. Kantor SAR Jambi
  20. Kantor SAR Gorontalo
  21. Kantor SAR Bengkulu
  22. Kantor SAR Manokwari

Jobs Available

Badan SAR Nasional are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions :

  1. Tenaga Honorer BASARNAS
  2. Awak Kapal SAR
  3. Nakhoda/Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM)

Jobs Description


  • Indonesian citizen (WNI), preferably Male, maximum age of 30 years old age per 31 December 2016.
  • Minimum height of 163 cm with ideal body weight.
  • Minimum education
  • Awak Kapal SAR : minimum Vocational High School/SMK Sailing and have a certificate Basic Safety Training (BST).
  • Nakhoda/Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM) : minimum Nautical Expert Level IV (ANT IV) / Engineering Expert Level IV (ATT IV).
  • Strong academic result.
  • Notice letter of Healthy condition and blood check and drugs lab results from the Government Hospital.
  • Valid Police Records (SKCK).
  • Pass a test sail.
  • Stamped application letter and addressed to Kepala Badan SAR Nasional u.p Kepala kantor SAR Class B Banjarmasin.
  • 8 positions available.

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Stamped application letter;
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  3. Copy of ID Card;
  4. SKCK;
  5. Notice letter of Healthy condition and and blood check and drugs lab results from the Government Hospital;
  6. Copy of Diploma (Primary School/SD up to the last education level);
  7. Passport photo 3×4 and full-size.

Sites Reference

  1. www.basarnas.go.id

Submit Application

Should you are interested and qualified, please send directly all required application documents above to :

Kantor SAR Banjarmasin
Jl. A Yani KM 28.2 Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan 70721, phone (0511) 4707911 – 4707856 – 4707881.


  • All applications will be treated confidentially.
  • Only short listed candidates will be notified.
  • Source

Info Lowongan Kerja Basarnas brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com