Lowongan Bank Lampung
About Bank Pembangunan Daerah Lampung
LAMPUNG BANK (PD. Bank Pembangunan Lampung), which officially opened on January 31, 1966 based on the business license of the Central Bank’s No Business Minister. Kep. 66/UBS/1965 and Local Regulation No. grounded. 8/PERDA/II/DPRD/73 established with the intention of helping and encouraging economic growth and regional development in all areas and as a source of local revenue in order to improve the standard of living.
Regional Development Bank Lampung then change the status of the Regional Enterprise (PD) is a Limited Liability Company (PT) in Lampung District Regulation No. 2 of 1999 dated March 31, 1999 and Deed Soekarno, SH No. 5 dated May 3, 1999 that have been approved by the Minister of Justice No. C-8058 H.01.04 Indonesia Year 2001 on May 6, 1999.
In line with the development of the economy and banking activities, to increase bank capital, competitiveness, expansion and business banking products and in order to provide opportunities for communities to participate in share ownership, with due regard to its function as a commercial bank and treasury holders,
Company Contact
PT. Bank Lampung
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi 182 Bandar Lampung
Phone (0721) 487175 – 489127 3 line (Hunting)
Email :
Jobs Available
Penerimaan Pegawai PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Lampung Tahun 2012
Jobs Description
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Lampung Tahun 2012
Admission Requirements Employees:
A. Male / female with maximum age 28 years
2. Education Min. S1 from:
- a. Faculty of Economics, Department of Management / Accounting / Taxation
- b. Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law / Civil Economy
- c. Faculty of Computer Science / Engineering, Department of Information Systems / Engineering Informastika / Computer Systems / Electrical Engineering
3. Grade point average (GPA) Min 2.75 (4.00 scale)
4. Good-looking, honest, hard working and responsible and not married
5. Height: Male min. 165 cm, Female min. 160 cm
6. Customer Service has a soul, to have integrity in the work, creative and innovative in making the breakthrough and be able to work in team and individual
7. Do not have a nuclear family (parents, siblings, husband / wife) who works as an employee of Bank Lampung
8. Willing to be placed throughout the office operations of the Bank Lampung
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Send a cover letter and full CV, enclosing:
- A copy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized
- Copy of valid ID card and family card
- 3R whole body size photos (2 sheets), passport photo size 2 × 3 (2 sheets) and size 4 × 6 (2 sheets)
- Police records Certificate
Submission of a complete application can be delivered directly or via the post made ??no later than February 29, 2012 (postmarked) to:
Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Lampung
Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 182 Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung 35215
Closing date
February 29, 2012
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