
Lowongan Kerja Bank Jatim
About PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur – Bank Jatim, was established on August 17, 1961 in Surabaya. The legal basis for the establishment of notarial act Anwar Mahajudin No. 91 dated August 17, 1961 and supported by an operational basis the Minister of Finance Decree No. 4-5 BUM.9-dated August 15, 1961.
Furthermore, based on the Law No. 13 Year 1962, Basic Provisions and the Regional Development Banks Act No. 14 of 1967 on Principles of Banking in 1967, there was an improvement through local regulation of the Province of East Java No. 2 of 1976 concerning the Status of Bank Pembangunan Daerah (Regional Development Bank) of the form Limited Liability Company (PT) to Regional-Owned Enterprises (enterprises).
In line with the development, in 1990 the PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah JawaTimurimproved the status from the Commercial Bank to Commercial Bank Foreign Exchange, stipulated by Bank Indonesia Decree No. 23/28/KEP/DIR dated August 2, 1990.
In 1994, for the purpose of strengthening the capital, there was an amendment at the Regional Regulation No. 9 of 1992 dated December 28, 1992 to the Regional Regulation of the Province of East Java No. 26 of 1994 dated December 29, 1994, such as changing the Capital Structure / Ownership of Shares and allowing the Party Third as one element of the composition of ownership, up to 30%.
In order to maintain the existence of banking and balance the demands at that time, then General Meeting of Shareholders approved to change the status of Regional Development Bank becoming the Company Limited. Under Article 2 of the Ministry of Home Affairs No. 1 of 1998 on Legal Entity Regional Development Banks, then on March 20, 1999 the Regional Representatives Council (Parliament) of the Province of East Java has adopted the Regional Regulation No. 1 of 1999 concerning the Legal Form Bank of East Java Regional Development of Regional Enterprise (PD) to Limited Liability Company (PT) East Java Regional Development Bank.
In accordance with the Deed of Notary R. Sonny Yulistyo Hidayat, SH No. 1 dated May 1, 1999 that have been established by the Decree of the Minister of Justice No. C2-8227.HT.01.01.Th dated May 5, 1999 and was published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia on May 25, 1999 No. 42 Supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3008, the company officially became PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah JawaTimur(East Java Regional Development Bank, limited company).
Bank’s Articles of Association have been amended several times. Changes in 2006 are listed in the notary deed Untung Darnosoewirjo, SH, No.108 dated 27 April 2006 relating to the increased activity of Sharia and change the number of shares of series A and series B, and the change has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights the Republic of Indonesia, the Decree-00182.HT.01.04 No.W10-TH.2007 dated February 7, 2007. Changes in 2007 related to additional capital and the composition of the Bank’s shares of series A and B, and the change was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in the Decree No. C-07001HT.01.04-TH.2007 December 17 , 2007.
In 2008, based on the General Meeting of Shareholders as set forth in the deed of 56 dated 17 April 2008 made ??by Darnosoewirjo Untung, SH, associated with additional capital and the composition of the Bank’s shares of series A and B and also the base budget adjustments liability under Law 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company, which was renewed in Deed No.38 dated December 30, 2008, made before Notary Untung Darnosoewirjo, SH, and has received approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU 15113.AH.01.02.Tahun-2009 dated 23 April 2009.
Furthermore, the Articles of Association have been amended several times, most recently by the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No. AHU-AH.01.10-31 887 in 2012 on 31 August.
Along with development of economy and in order to meet the requirements of the BPD Regional Champion, one of which parameters is to strengthen the capital, the Articles of Association of the Company be changed by Deed Extraordinary General Company Limited No. 89 dated 25 April 2012, made by Notary Fathiah Helmi , SH, in Jakarta, which has obtained approval from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights based on the Decree No. AHU-22728.AH.01.02.Tahun 2012 dated 30 April 2012, has been registered in the Company Register in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies of Law No. AHU-0038044. the 2012 date 30 April 2012 and based on Bapepam Decree No. dated June 29, 2012 is declared effective the registration statement and later on July 12, 2012, PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur recorded 20% of its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange or become a publicly listed company and changed its name a PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur, Tbk.
Company contact

Jl. Basuki Rachmat No. 98-104 Surabaya
Telp. (031) 5310090
Fax. (031) 5470159
Email (informasi Produk dan pengaduan nasabah) :
Jobs Available
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :
- Kredit Cabang Jakarta (Code : KRJ)
- Pemasaran Cabang Jakarta (Code : PM)
Jobs Description
Kredit Cabang Jakarta (Code : KRJ)
- Male with the maximum age of 27 years old for fresh graduate (without experience) candidates and 35 years old for experienced candidates by 29 February 2016.
- Background in Bachelor Degree (S1), majoring all major in Economics, Law, and Engineering.
- Have a GPA score min 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS) on a 4.00 grade scale from a reputable university minimum accredited “B”.
- Experience in banking and financial company is preferable.
- Minimum height of 165 cm.
- Competent in the use of Microsoft Office.
- Domiciled in JABODETABEK will be highly prioritized.
- Able to work with the target.
Pemasaran Cabang Jakarta (Code : PM)
- Male and Female with the maximum age of 27 years old for fresh graduate (without experience) candidates and 35 years old for experienced candidates by 29 February 2016.
- Background in Diploma Degree (D3) in any field.
- Have a GPA score min 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS) on a 4.00 grade scale from a reputable university minimum accredited “B”.
- Experience in banking and financial company is preferable.
- Minimum height of 165 cm for Male and 160 cm for Female.
- Competent in the use of Microsoft Office.
- Domiciled in JABODETABEK will be highly prioritized.
- Single/not married and willing not to get married for not yet appointed a permanent employee.
Document to be submited
- Application letter
- Curriculum Vitae (CV), please download here;
- Passport photo 4×6 (2 sheets);
- Full-body photo postcard size/3R (1 sheet);
- Copy of ID Card;
- A certified copy of valid SKCK;
- A certified copies of academic diploma and transcripts;
- Working reference for experienced candidates;
- Professional certificate(s) to support the application (if any);
- Statement letter stamp duty Rp 6,000 (download here).
Application documents must be included in the folder corresponding to each position:
- KRJ : dark blue color folder.
- PM : light blue color folder.
Sites Reference
- Submit Application
Submit Application
If these criteria perfectly describe you, please apply and send all required documents above to :
PO BOX 1833 SB 60018
- Closing date 12 February 2016 (postmark).
- Please write the position code on top left corner of your envelope.
- Selection process will held at Jakarta.
- All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
- Source
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