Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI Syariah
About Bank Pembangunan Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Unit Syariah
Bank DKI Syariah is an Islamic Business Unit ( UUS ) from PT . DKI Bank by Bank Indonesia Permit . 6/371/DPbS dated March 8, 2004 , which inaugurated its business operations on March 16, 2004 by the Governor of Jakarta Mr. . H. Sutiyoso Sharia Branch located in Building Jl Wahid Hasyim . KH . Wahid Hasyim No. , 153 , Central Jakarta .
With the provision of capital from PT . Capital City Bank at the time of the establishment of Islamic business units of Rp 2 billion and at the end of 2007 increased to Rp 100 billion , Bank DKI Syariah determined to be able to provide service to customers as well as possible based on Islamic principles, so that the Bank DKI Syariah used as partners for users of banking services the majority of the business based on sharia principles .
Inauguration of Islamic Business Unit of PT . Bank DKI Jakarta Governor Mr . H Sutiyoso { March 16 2004 }
As one of the banks that operate based on Islamic principles , Sharia Capital Bank is committed to improving the performance and banking services in accordance with the provisions of sharia to the public , so that people are getting closer and easier to transact with the Bank DKI Syariah .
Within 7 years , total assets managed by the Bank DKI Syariah has reached Rp . 638.31 billion , which is collected by third party funds of Rp . 361.45 billion and financing portfolio has channeled Rp . 602.58 billion . In 2010 , Bank DKI Syariah can profit of Rp . 15.46 billion .
At the end of December 2010 , Bank DKI Syariah Office Network has had as much as 49 units , consisting of ; 2 Branch Office , Branch Office 3 , 7 and 37 Cash Office Services Office of the spread of Sharia in the region Jadebotabek support plus 24- hour ATM facility through cooperation DKI Bank with ATM Bersama and ATM .
Company Contact
Telp : ( 021.3190 4007 )
Fax : ( 021.392 7448 )
Jobs available
Bank DKI Syariah invites the best professionals in the field of banking that has competence, passion, high integrity to join with us to realize the Bank DKI be the best and be proud of, as:
- Marketing (Kode: GSY-MK)
- Relationship and Collection (Kode: GSY-RC)
- Credit Reviewer /Financing Reviewer(Kode: GSY-CR)
- Area Credit Reviewer/Area Financing Reviewer (Kode: GSY-ACR)
- Mikro Unit Head (Kode: GSY-MUH)
- Micro Area Head(Kode: GSY-MAH)
- Area CollectionHead(Kode: GSY-ACH)
- Area Support (Kode : GSY-AS)
Jobs Description
Marketing (GSY-MK)
- Experienced at least 1 ( one ) year in sales of banking , financial institutions or have experience in consumer goods marketing , preferably experienced in micro banking
- Target oriented
- Having Sim C and motorcycles
Relationship and Collection ( GSY-RC )
- Experienced at least 1 ( one ) year in banking or other financial institutions in particular fields of marketing ataucollection , preferably experienced in micro banking
- Have the skills to do the collection of soft and hard collection
- Having Sim C and motorcycles
Credit Reviewer /Financing Reviewer (GSY-CR)
- Experienced at least 1 ( one ) year as a credit analyst / bank financing or financial institution , preferably from micro banking
- Able to use MS Office applications , especially Word and Excel
- Having Sim C and motorcycles
Area Credit Reviewer/ Area Financing Reviewer (GSY-ACR)
- Experienced at least 2 ( two ) years as an analyst of bank financing or financial institution , preferably micro banking
- Experienced leading a team of at least 1 ( one ) year
- Able to apply MS Office , especially Word and Excel
- Maximum age 37 years
- Having Sim C and motorcycles
Mikro Unit Head (GSY-MUH)
- Experienced and understand banking as well as having the ability to analyze micro credit / micro-finance and collateral valuation
- Experienced banking sector led the unit at least 2 ( two ) years, preferably micro banking
- Have good negotiation skills , selling skills bank financing products
- Having a vision and strategy in developing unit
Micro Area Head (GSY- MAH ) :
- Understanding and knowledge of micro-banking business , credit analysis and collateral valuation
- Experienced banking sector led the unit at least 3 ( three ) years, preferably micro banking
- Having a vision and strategy in developing areas
Area CollectionHead (Kode: GSY-ACH) :
- Experienced at least 4 ( four ) years in banking or other financial institutions in particular fields of collection
- Have the skills to do the collection of soft and hard collection
Area Support (Kode : GSY-AS)
- Max. 35 years old, min D3
- Able to use MS Office applications , especially Word and Excel
General Qualifications :
- Male / Female Minimum D3 any discipline preferably S1
- Hard worker , do not give up
- Having a good understanding of risk
- Integrity has a good
- Have a Good Leadership
- MK , RC , age maximum 35 years Minimum D3
- CR maximum age of 35 years preferably S1
- ACR maximum age of 37 years of education preferably S1
- MUH , MAH , ACH maximum age 40 years old Minimum S1
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Candidates who meet the job qualifications above Bank DKI can send full resume with city code and the proposed position at the top left corner of the envelope and addressed to :
- Closing date : March 21, 2014 (post stamp).
- Only short-listed candidates will be invited for selection and interview.
- Source
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