
Lowongan Kerja BRI Malang
About Bank PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI)
Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( BRI ) is one of the largest government -owned bank in Indonesia. At the beginning of Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( BRI ) was established in Purwokerto , Central Java by Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja with the name De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden or ” Help and Savings Bank Owned Priyayi The Navan ” , a financial institution that serves nationals Indonesian ( native ) . The agency was established on December 16, 1895 , which is then used as the birthday of BRI .
In the period after independence , based on Government Regulation no . 1 of 1946 Article 1 stated that BRI is the first state-owned banks in the Republic of Indonesia . In wartime maintain independence in 1948 , BRI was stopped for a while and just starting off again after the Renville agreement in 1949 to change its name to Bank Rakyat Indonesia States. At that time through No. PERPU . 41 was formed in 1960 Farmers and Fishermen Cooperative Bank ( BKTN ) which is a fusion of BRI , Bank Farmers and Fishermen and Nederlandsche Maatschappij ( NHM ) . Then based on Presidential Decree ( Presidential Decree ) No. . 9 In 1965, BKTN integrated into the name of Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia Affairs Cooperative Farmers and Fishermen .
After walking for a month , Presidential Decree No. out . 17 of 1965 on the establishment of a single bank under the name of Bank Negara Indonesia . In the new provisions , Bank Indonesia Affairs Cooperative , Farmers and Fishermen ( ex BKTN ) integrated with the name of Bank Negara Indonesia unit II Rural areas , while Bank Negara Indonesia NHM into field Export II unit ( Exim ) .
Under Law No. . 14 of 1967 on the Basic Law an

d the Banking Law no . 13 of 1968 on the Central Bank Act , which essentially restores function as a central bank Bank Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia Unit II of Export Import Rular and each separated into two banks, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Indonesia Export Import . Furthermore, based on Law no . 21 of 1968 set back from the main tasks of BRI as a commercial bank .
Since August 1, 1992 by the Banking Act No. . 7 of 1992 and Government Regulation No. . 21 1992 BRI status changed into a limited liability company . BRI ownership when it was still 100 % in the hands of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia . In 2003 , the Indonesian government decided to sell 30 % stake in the bank , so it became a public company with the official name of PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( Persero ) Tbk . , Which is still used up to this time .
Until now Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( Persero ) established since 1895 remains consistent focus on service to small communities , including by providing credit facilities to a class of small entrepreneurs . This is partly reflected in the distribution of KUK ( Small Business Loan ) in 1994 amounted to Rp . 6419.8 billion which increased to Rp . 8231.1 billion in 1995 and in 1999 until September of Rp . 20 466 billion .
Along with the development of the banking world is rapidly increasing it until the Bank Rakyat Indonesia has a working unit totaling 4,447 pieces , consisting of 1 BRI Head Office , 12 Regional Offices , 12 Office of Inspection / SPI , 170 Branch Office ( in the country ) , 145 Branch Office , office of Special Branch 1 , 1 New York Agency , 1 Caymand Island Agency , 1 Hong Kong Representative Office , 40 Pay Cash Office , office 6 Car Bank , P.POINT 193 , 3,705 and 357 UNIT BRI village service posts . On January 19, 2013 , BRI also launched the e – Tax system , which services local tax revenue online through cash management services .
Company Contact
PT. BRI Kanwil Kanwil Malang
Jl Laks Martadinata No 80, Malang.
Jobs Available
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to join as following positions to be stationed at Kanwil Malang :
- Account Officer (AO)
Job Description
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) from all accredited discipline/faculty from a recognized university (PTN/PTS).
- Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4-point scale).
- Not exceed 25 years of age for freah graduate candidates and 30 for experienced candidates.
- Willing to be placed in all working units of Bank BRI.
- Placement in Bank BRI Kanwil Malang (preferably domiciled in placement area).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Interested candidates need to register online to :
- Closing date 7 May 2016.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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