
Lowongan Kerja Rimbawan Kemenhut – Dephut
About Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
Kementerian Kehutanan – Kemenhut – Departemen Kehutanan – Dephut is the ministry in charge of the affairs of the Government of Indonesia and plantation forestry . Ministry is headed by a Minister of Forestry ( MoF ) that the date of October 22, 2009 held by Zulkifli Hasan .
Forestry development as a series of directed and planned effort to harness and utilize forest resources optimally and sustainably . The goal is to integrate and balance the benefits of forests to forest functions in harmony which can take place in the plenary .
In the implementation , which is in line with the development of other efforts in national development , forestry development faces various problems / barriers that are very complex . If the problems and obstacles that are not adequately addressed , forestry development objectives would be compromised .
Various problems in the form of threats, harassment , and obstacles in the implementation of forestry development , will not be solved completely if treatment is not strategic , through conceptual and complete response to the management system that can accommodate all the activities of forestry activities is increasing . In such conditions it is necessary the existence of a suitable form of administration and appropriate , as a means that is necessary for the successful implementation of forestry development .
Forestry agency -level Directorate General of felt unable to cope with the problems and the development of forestry development activities is increasing. Some administrative barriers affecting the implementation of forestry development include:
- Directorate general scope is too narrow , so a lot of issues that should be handled with discretion the authority of the ministers received less attention . As a result , the General Directorate of Forestry is often faced with the problems of hierarchy , such as in the cooperation with the other agencies that higher levels.
- The next result , may continue to the next level down . Directorate General of Forestry had a lot of delegating authority to the directorate of which should exceed . Thus , the directorate is also involved in the line of duties and tasks of cross- sectoral / sub -sectoral , which is a lot going for forestry activities .
- Authority inherent in the organization of the directorate -general level to be too small in the face of problems which are wisdom , especially in cooperation with other relevant agencies .
- Functional technical relationship between local and central government, through the Regional Office of the Department ( of Agriculture ) , which because of the nature of the activities of each sub- sector , raises kekurangserasian .
- Limitations to develop a means of personnel occurs , because the bound on the number of formations for the directorate-general level .
- In addition, there were also limitations on organizational unit , which is functionally acting as a watchdog element .
- Overall incidence of these barriers often cause problems that are non- routine , which requires a special solution .
Moreover , to achieve the objectives of forestry development required a starting base and the orientation of vast horizons and thorough about forests and forestry , which in practice covers aspects of the utilization , conservation of natural resources of forest and land rehabilitation .
Establishment of the Ministry of Forestry is not a restoration of the Directorate General of Forestry , rather it is an institution building through the development and utilization of forestry and material conditions possessed . It is at once a response to the conditions and problems faced during it , which include limitations of regulatory issues , leadership and wisdom , limited facilities , personnel and others. On the basis of these conditions then be re-defined goals, objectives and main tasks and functions of the Department of Forestry as the basis for the implementation of forestry development .
Jobs Available
Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia are currently taking applicants for the following positions:
Tenaga Bakti Rimbawan
- Penganalisis Perencanaan Hutan : S1- Kehutanan
- Penganalisis Pemanfaatan Hutan : S1- Kehutanan dan Serumpun
- Penganalisis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat : S1- Kehutanan dan Serumpun
- Tenaga Teknis Pemanfaatan Hutan : SMK Kompetensi Kehutanan
- Tenaga Teknis Perencanaan Hutan : SMK Kompetensi Kehutanan
- Tenaga Teknis Perlindungan Hutan : SMK Kompetensi Kehutanan
- Tenaga Teknis Rehabilitasi Hutan : SMK Kompetensi Kehutanan
Jobs Description
- Indonesian citizen (citizen);
- Meet the age requirements as follows:
- a. Forestry Skills Competency vocational graduates fresh graduate a maximum age of 24 years commencing on 1 November 2016 (births per 1 November 1992 and thereafter).
- b. Graduate of Bachelor of Forestry and allied (agriculture, horticulture and biology) fresh graduate a maximum age of 30 years commencing on 1 November 2016 (births per 1 November 1986 and thereafter).
- c. Special power Gerhan Field Officers (PLG), Field Officer People’s Garden Seeds (PLKBR), and the Field Officer Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL PL) a maximum of 40 years commencing on November 1, 2015 (births per 1 November 1976 and thereafter).
- Ready to be placed throughout Indonesia / NKRI at the site level (sub-district or village).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register using the online system implementation at the website:
Application file consists of:
- a. Print Out online registration form;
- b. A letter of request to become a forester service personnel;
- c. Photographs size 4 x 6 color red background (for men) and a blue background (for women) 4 pieces;
- d. Photocopy of National Identity Card (KTP) is still valid;
- e. Copy of last diploma has been legalized;
- f. A copy of the last academic transcripts that have been legalized;
- g. Copy of legalized Health Certificate from a doctor;
- h. Copy of legalized Police Notes;
- i. Copy File / title sheet published scientific literature (journals / media / electronic media) in accordance with that specified in the registration form online;
- j. A copy of the Certificate in accordance with that specified in the registration form online;
- k. Copy of certificate / charter prove participation in accordance with the organization listed in the registration form online;
- l. Copy of Decree (SK) Gerhan Field Officers (PLG) and the People’s Garden Seeds Field officers (PLKBR) in accordance with that specified in the registration form online;
- m. Certificate once Working / Internship / Research;
- n. Statement letter would be placed throughout the NKRI (sealed).
Application documents are arranged in the order above is then inserted in the Stop Map, with provision for the formation of red color S-1 and yellow for vocational formation outside stop writing folder:
- a. registration number
- b. Name
- c. educational qualifications
- d. The selected job codes
- First selection (Placement – Position Code)
- Both options (Placement – Position Code)
- All three options (Placement – Position Code)
- Online registration is open until the date of October 30, 2016;
- Each applicant may register with a choice of three different placement locations according to educational qualifications.
- Applicants must have an active email address to join the selection process Bakti Labor foresters;
- At the time of online registration, applicants should read carefully the instructions online registration and upload (upload) digital files (scans) are stored into one (1) form of PDF files that are up to 500 kilobytes (kb) in the following order:
- a. ID card;
- b. Diploma used as the basis for applying;
- c. Transcript value used as the basis for applying;
- d. Higher Education accreditation status on the educational qualifications of the proposed (applicants specifically S1);
- e. Decree (SK) Gerhan Field Officers (PLG), Field Officer People’s Garden Seeds (PLKBR), and the Field Officer Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL PL). (Special PLG, PLKBR, and PL RHL);
- Applicants who have to register online in order to download (download) and print the registration form as proof of registration and send the application file;
- File applicants who entered into the archives committee Ministry of Environment and Forestry and is not refundable by the applicants.
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