Lowongan Anggota LPSK
About Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (LPSK)
Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban – LPSK -was established under Law No. 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Birth of the Witness Protection Act and the Victims that took long enough diakomodasinya is intended to fight the rights of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice process. In contrast to some other countries, the initiative to form the Act protection for witnesses and victims not come from law enforcement, police, prosecutors, or courts that are always interacting with witnesses and victims of crime, but rather it comes from the people who hold the view that witnesses and victims is time given protection in the criminal justice system. In addition, the lack of serious attention by law enforcement officials to the witness-victim makes this bill must be pushed almost every year from 2001 to 2005 to be included in the plan Prolegnas.
The idea to bring the laws on the protection of witnesses and victims began in 1999, in which some elements of society, begin to prepare the design of witness protection legislation. This is then followed by the academic paper about the witness protection legislation in the criminal justice process. This academic paper then produce a witness protection bill.
Furthermore, the 2001 legislation mandated witness protection to be formed by MPR Decree. Recommendation VIII of 2001 on Policy Direction Eradication and Prevention of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. Legislation in June 2002 the House of Representatives filed a Witness Protection Bill which was signed by 40 lawmakers from various factions as the House bill proposed initiative.
Indonesia ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption in 2003. In chapters 32 and 33 of this Convention states that to every state party to the UN is obliged to provide effective protection to witnesses or experts from retaliation or intimidation, including his family or others close to them. Early 2005 National Action Plan for the Eradication of Corruption (RAN PK) prepared by Bappenas schedule a discussion of the Witness Protection Bill in the second quarter of 2005. February 2005 Plenary Session of the 13th Parliament Peridoe 2004 to 2009, has approved the National Legislation Program. One of the bills discussed were prioritized for immediate Witness Protection Bill. Ten faction in Parliament considers that the Witness Protection Bill has a strategic role in law enforcement efforts and are creating a corruption-free government.
Finally in June 2005 Witness and Victim Protection Bill presented in the letter head of the House of Representatives to the President. Then, on August 30, 2005 the President issued a letter appointing representatives to discuss the Bill on Protection of Witnesses and Victims who commissioned Justice Minister representing the government in the discussion of the bill. Government in January 2006, represented the Department of Justice handed Problem Inventory List, on Witness and Victim Protection Bill to the House of Representatives. Beginning in February 2006 Commission III of the House of Representatives to form a working committee made up of 22 people to discuss the Witness and Victim Protection Bill. In July 2006, the Plenary Session of the House of Representatives finally passed a bill into Witness Protection and Victim Witness Protection Act. Ten faction in the House of Representatives to support the existence of the Act. August 11, 2006 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono enacted Witness Protection Act (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2006 No. 64). One of the existing mandate of the Witness Protection Act was the establishment of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (Agency) established no later than one year after the Witness and Victim Protection Act was passed. In a further development, the Agency was formed on August 8, 2008. In the Witness and Victim Protection Act stated that the Agency is an independent institution, but responsible to the President. It added that the Witness and Victim Protection Agency is an agency of the duty and authority to provide protection and other rights to the witness and / or victim as provided in the Act. The scope of this protection is at all stages of the criminal justice process. Purpose of this Act is to provide security to the witnesses and / or victims to provide testimony in a court proceeding.
LPSK (Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban)
Gedung Proklamasi
Jl. Proklamasi No. 56
Jakpus 10320 Indonesia
Ph.+62 21 3190 7021
Jobs Available
Panitia Seleksi calon Anggota LPSK mengundang warga negara Republik Indonesia yang terbaik, memiliki kompetensi dan integritas untuk menjadi :
Calon Anggota LPSK periode 2013-2018
Jobs Description
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Tidak pernah dijatuhi pidana karena melakukan tindak pidana kejahatan yang ancaman pidananya paling singkat 5 (lima) tahun
- Berusia paling rendah 40(empat puluh) tahun dan paling tinggi 65(enam puluh lima) tahun pada saat proses pemilihan
- Berpendidikan paling rendah S1 (strata satu)
- Berpengalaman di bidang hukum dan hak asasi manusia paling singkat 10 (sepuluh) tahun
- Memiliki integritas dan kepribadian yang tidak tercela
- Memiliki nomor pokok wajib pajak
Sites Reference
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Pendaftaran dibuat diatas kertas bermaterai Rp.6.000 dengan melampirkan:
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk dan fotokopi NPWP
- Fotokopi ijazah yang dilegalisasi oleh instansi yang bersangkutan
- Pasfoto terbaru berwarna ukuran (4×6) sebanyak 5 (lima) lembar
- Surat Keterangan sehat jasmani dari dokter pada R.S Pemerintah dan kesehatan jiwa dari dokter ahli jiwa
- Surat keterangan catatan kepolisian yang diperuntukkan untuk pendaftaran LPSK
- Surat rekomendasi dari 2 (dua) tokoh/lembaga di bidang hukum dan hAM
- Enam surat pernyataan yang dibuat oleh yang bersangkutan di atas materai Rp.6.000 yang masing-masing menyatakan bahwa:
- tidak pernah terlibat dalam pelanggaran hak asasi manusia
- riwayat pengalaman hidup di bidan hukum dan HAM paling singkat 10 tahun
- tidak pernah dijatuhi pidana karena melakukan tindak pidana kejahatan yang ancaman pidananya paling singkat 5 (lima) tahun
- Apabila terpilih menjadi anggota LPSK:
- 1. bersedia melepaskan jabatan struktural dan fungsional di lingkungan: Pegawai Negeri Sipil/TNI/POLRI,partai politik, organisasi profesi, atau organisasi kemasyarakatan
- 2. bersedia melaporkan harta dan kekayaannya
- 3. bersedia bekerja penuh waktu
- Makalah yang dibuat sendiri dengan judul “Peran, Kendala dan Tantangan LPSK” (10 halaman, font 12 arial, 1,5 spasi,ukuran kertas A-4)
Pengajuan Lamaran
Pendaftaran dimulai tanggal 25 Maret 2013 s/d 8 April 2013 pada hari kerja pukul 09.00 s/d 17.00 WIB di :
Gedung Perintis Kemerdekaan (Gd. Pola) Lt.1 Jl. Proklamasi No.56 Jakarta Pusat 12320 Telp 021-3190 7021 ex.120, Fax. 031-3192 7881
- Berkas pendaftaran menjadi milik panitia.
- Pendaftaran dan seluruh proses seleksi tidak dipungut biaya
- Keputusan panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat
- Source
Lowongan Anggota LPSK brought to you by lokercpnsbumn