Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Setkab MPR
About Sekretariat Jenderal MPR RI
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia – MPR-RI is a bicameral legislature is one of the top government agencies in the state system of Indonesia.
Before the Reformation, the MPR is the highest state institution. MPR convened at least once in five years in the state capital.
Since August 17, 1945, Indonesia began its history as a young nation in formulating government, politics, and administration of the country. The cornerstone of the ideology of Pancasila berpijaknya is created by Indonesia’s own previous few weeks of excavation as well as the development of a culture of Indonesian people and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 Amendments to the new pre-set the next day on August 18, 1945 by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence.
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 (pre-amendment) that regulate a wide variety of state agencies from Top Institutions of State to State Agency. The conception of the organization of a democratic state by state agencies such as the fourth embodiment of the principle of representative democracy that emphasizes the principles set forth in full therein. The will to embody the aspirations of the people in the representative system, for the first time made ??by Bung Karno, in a speech on June 1st 1945 Muhammad Yamin also indicates the importance of democratic principles in the conception of the state organization. Similarly, expressing his Supomo be Indonesia’s independence by the principle of consultation with the Agency Consultative term. This idea is based on the principle of kinship, where each family member can give his opinion.
In a committee meeting designer Constitution, Supomo said that ” Consultative Body ‘turns into’ MPR ” with the assumption that this assembly is the embodiment of all the people of Indonesia, which comprises members of all representatives of the people, the whole representative area , and vice whole class. The conception of the MPR is what ultimately defined in the Session PPKI at the ratification of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 (pre-amendment).
Jobs Available
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia seeks the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
Formasi yang dibutuhkan CPNS Setjen MPR 2014
- Petugas Keamanan
- Pranata Jamuan
- Penyusun Risalah
- Teknisi Peralatan dan Instalasi
- Montir
- Pengadministrasi Umum
- Pengelola Perpustakaan
- Pengelola Poliklinik
- Pranata Laporan
- Keuangan (Petugas SAI
- Pranata Kearsipan
- Pranata Restorasi Arsip
- Pengadministrasi Anggaran
- Sekretaris
- Pustakawan Pelaksana
- Verifikator Keuangan
- Pranata Fotografi
- Pemegang Buku
- Pranata Acara
- Pengadministrasi Keuangan
- Perawat pelaksana
- Asisten Apoteker pelaksana
- Analis Akuntabilitas Kinerja
- Analis Tata Laksana
- Analis Pengelola Barang Milik Negara (BMN)
- Analis Pelaporan
- Pengelola Database
- Pengelola Jaringan
- Notulis Rapat
- Peneliti Pertama
- Perencana Pertama
- Analis Produk Hukum
- Dokter Umum
Jobs Description
General Requirements:
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
- Has status as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servant.
- There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as CPNS / PNS / Members Military / Police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee.
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have permanent legal force, due to perform a criminal act.
- Not a member of a political party or committee.
Submit Application
Online registration at the portal Panselnas :
- (to get registration number, user and password)
- Then go to : and choose the Department you desired.
- CPNS TKD test will be performed with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source :
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