Lowongan CPNS Jatim – Formasi, Persyaratan dan Pendaftaran
About Provinsi Jawa Timur
Jawa Timur is a province in the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia. Its capital is located in Surabaya. Its area is 47,922 km ², and a population of 37,476,757 inhabitants (2010). East Java has the largest area among 6 provinces in Java, and has the second largest number of people in Indonesia after West Java. East Java is bordered by Java Sea to the north, Strait of Bali in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, and the province of Central Java in the west. East Java also includes the island of Madura, Bawean Island, Kangean Island and a number of small islands in the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean (Sempu Island and Nusa barung).
East Java is known as a center of eastern Indonesia, and has a fairly high economic significance, which contributed 14.85% to the national Gross Domestic Product.
East Java province is bordered by Java Sea to the north, Strait of Bali in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, and the province of Central Java in the west. The length of the east-west stretch of about 400 miles. Wide stretch of the north-south in the western part of about 200 km, but in the eastern part is narrower by about 60 miles. Madura is the biggest island in East Java, Java, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Madura. Bawean island is located about 150 km north of Java. To the east of Madura there is a cluster of islands, which are the easternmost islands and the most northern Kangean is Masalembu Islands. In the southern part there are two small islands and the island of Nusa barung Sempu.
Local Government
Head of East Java Province is the governor, who is assisted by a deputy governor. Office of the Governor of East Java officially today is Soekarwo, who was elected in the elections that took place in East Java in two rounds. He replaces Faithful Purwaka appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs as Acting Governor of East Java Governor Imam Utomo after the term ends on 29 September 2008 local elections and Deputy Head (Direct Election) was held for the first time in 2008 the Government of East Java Province consists of the Regional Secretariat, parliament Secretariat, the Regional Office 22, 16 Agency, Office 3, and 5 Hospitals Board. While the regional coordination, formed four Regional Coordinating Board (Bakorwil): Bakorwil I Madiun, Bojonegoro Bakorwil II, III Bakorwil Malang, and Bakorwil IV Pamekasan.
Contact Provinsi Jawa Timur

Kantor BKD Provinsi Jawa Timur
Jl. Jemur Andayani 1, Surabaya 60236
Telp. (031) 8477551, 8476668, 71918516, 71918319
Fax. (031) 8477404
e-Mail : atau
FaceBook : Panitia Cpns Prov Jatim
Jobs Available
Pemerintah Jawa Timur invites the best Indonesia Citizen (WNI) to become Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) with the following positions :
Formasi CPNS Jatim
Will be announced on August 26, 2014 at page:
Jobs Description
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
- Has status as a candidate for Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil / Civil Servant.
- There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as CPNS / PNS / Members Military / Police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee.
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have permanent legal force, due to perform a criminal act.
- Not a member of a political party or committee.
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Understand / master the use of computers (office) and internet (browsing and electronic mail).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Initial registration through the national portal:
- (August 20 – 3 September 2014). To obtain a username and password from panselnas via email,.
Then register through the portal of East Java Province government committee:
- (August 27, 2014 – 4 September 2014)
Other Notes:
- CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
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