Lowongan CPNS PPATK – Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan



Lowongan Kerja CPNS PPATK

About Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK)

Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan – PPATK or or Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC) is an Indonesian independent agency that deals with financial information intelligence, headquartered in Jakarta. The Institution was formed in 17 April 2002 to preventing and eradicating the crime of money laundering and financing of terrorism in Indonesia. The organizational structure of PPATK comprise of Head, Deputy Head, Other Structural Positions, and Functional Positions. Since 2011, the Agency was lead by Muhammad Yusuf as a Head of PPATK. He was appointed as Head of PPATK based on Presidential Decree Number 160/M Year 2011 for the term of 2011-2016.

Money laundering as a crime is a new international dimension in many countries including Indonesia . Magnitude would impact negatively on the economy of a country that can be caused, encouraged the countries in the world and international organizations and special pay serious attention to the prevention and eradication of this problem .



INTRAC was established on 17 April 2002 , together with the passing of the Law No. . 15 of 2002 on Money Laundering . In general, the existence of institutions are intended to Indonesia to participate together with other countries to combat transnational organized crimes such as terrorism and money laundering .

Before INTRAC fully operational since October 18, 2003 , duty and authority INTRAC relating to the acceptance and analysis of suspicious financial transactions in the banking sector , carried out by the Special Investigation Unit of Bank Indonesia ( UKIP – BI ) . Further to the submission of suspicious transaction documents and other supporting documents that took place on October 17, 2003 , the duty and authority is fully switched to INTRAC .

During its development , INTRAC duties and authority as stated in Law No. . 15 of 2002 on Money Laundering as amended by Law No. . 25 of 2003 has been added including institutional realignment on INTRAC Law No. . 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering adopted and promulgated on October 22, 2010

Article 39 of Law No. . 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Combating Money Laundering , set INTRAC has a duty to prevent and combat money laundering .

Function INTRAC

In performing its duties , INTRAC has the following functions ( Article 40 of Law no. 8 of 2010 ) :

  • prevention and combating of money laundering ;
  • data management and information obtained INTRAC ;
  • The monitoring of compliance reporting ;
  • analysis or examination of reports and information Financial Transactions with indications of money laundering and / or other criminal acts ( predicate crimes ” ” ) .


Article 41 of Law no. 8 of 2010 set the INTRAC authority as follows :

( 1 ) In carrying out the functions of the prevention and combating of money laundering as defined in Article 40 point 1 , INTRAC authorities :

  • request and obtain data and information from government agencies and / or private institution that has the authority to manage data and information , including from government agencies and / or private agencies that receive reports of certain professions ;
  • establish guidelines for the identification of suspicious transactions ;
  • coordinate efforts to prevent money laundering by the relevant agencies ;
  • provide recommendations to the government concerning the prevention of money laundering ;
  • representing the government of the Republic of Indonesia in international forums and organizations related to the prevention and combating of money laundering ;
  • education programs and anti-money laundering training , and
  • organize socialization and prevention of money laundering .

( 2 ) Submission of data and information by government agencies and / or private institutions to INTRAC as referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) number 1 are exempt from the provisions of confidentiality .

( 3 ) Further provisions on the procedure for submission of data and information by government agencies and / or private institutions as referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) number 1 is regulated by the Government .

Article 42 of Law no. 8 of 2010 set the INTRAC authority as follows :

In carrying out the functions of data management and information referred to in Article 40 point 2 , INTRAC authorized to organize information systems .

Article 43 of Law no. 8 of 2010 set the INTRAC authority as follows :

In order to carry out oversight of compliance Reporting Parties referred to in Article 40 paragraph 3 , INTRAC authorities :

  1. establish rules and guidelines for reporting procedures for the Reporting Party ;
  2. Users assign a category services potentially money laundering ;
  3. conduct a compliance audit or special audit ;
  4. convey information from the results of the audit to the agency authorized to supervise the Reporting Party ;
  5. Reporting Party warned that violates reporting requirements ;
  6. recommend to the agency the authority to revoke business licenses Reporting Party , and
  7. set the terms of the implementation of the principle of recognizing Users Reporting Services to Persons who do not have a Supervisory and Regulatory Agency .

Article 44 of Law no. 8 of 2010 set the INTRAC authority as follows : ( 1 ) In order to carry out the analysis or examination of reports and information referred to in Article 40 point 4 , INTRAC can :

  1. request and receive reports and information from the Reporting Party ;
  2. asking for information to agencies or parties;
  3. Rapporteur requested information to the Parties based on the analysis INTRAC development ;
  4. Rapporteur requested information to the Parties upon request of law enforcement agencies or partners abroad ;
  5. pass on the information and / or analysis to the requesting agency , both inside and outside the country ;
  6. receive reports and / or information from the public regarding allegations of money laundering ;
  7. request information from the Reporting Party and other parties related to money laundering ;
  8. recommend to law enforcement agencies about the importance of interception or eavesdropping on electronic information and / or documents electronically in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations ;
  9. ask for financial service providers to suspend all or part of transactions that are known or suspected to be proceeds of crime ;
  10. requested information on the progress of investigation and the investigation by the investigator predicate offenses and criminal offenses of Money Laundering ;
  11. conduct other administrative activities within the scope of duties and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of this Act , and
  12. forward the results of the analysis or examination of the investigator .

( 2 ) Financial service providers referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) point 9 shall immediately follow after receiving a request from INTRAC .

Article 44 of Law no. 8 of 2010 asserted that in exercising its authority as referred to in Law no. 8 In 2010 , the INTRAC not apply the provisions of the legislation and codes of conduct governing confidentiality .

Further provisions concerning the procedures for the exercise of authority INTRAC regulated by Government Regulation . 50 of 2011 on the Implementation Procedures Center Authority Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis , which is set on August 12, 2011

Jobs Available

Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :

  1. Analis Pelaporan dan Transaksi Keuangan*
  2. Pemeriksa Pelaporan dan Transaksi Keuangan*
  3. Analis Kerjasama Dalam Negeri*
  4. Analis Kerjasama Luar Negeri*
  5. Pengelola dan Pemelihara Piranti TI*
  6. Analis Organisasi*
  7. Pemeriksa Anggaran*
  8. Analis Barang dan Jasa*
  9. Analis Pengelola Barang Milik Negara (BMN)*
  10. Pengadministrasi Umum*
  11. Sekretaris*
  12. Pengadministrasi Barang*
  13. Pengadministrasi Perpustakaan*

Jobs Description

a. General requirements

  • Indonesian citizen;
  • On December 1, 2014 aged as low as 21 (twenty one) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty-five years);
  • Not located as CPNS / PNS, Candidates / Members army / police, or state / local enterprises;
  • There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as PNS / TNI / police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee;
  • Not located as a member and / or board of political parties;
  • There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions;
  • Meet the requirements of educational qualifications (degree and majors) in accordance with the position vacancy formation;
  • Physically and mentally healthy.

b. Special Requirements
1) Diploma applicants are recognized diploma obtained from State Universities / Private accredited minimum “B” or diploma obtained from the College of Foreign Affairs, which has received the determination of equivalency diploma Assessment Committee Foreign Ministry of Education and Culture.
2) grade point average (GPA) for qualified applicants;
a. Bachelor (S-1) at least 3:00 (three point zero zero);
b. Diploma III (D-III) of at least 2.75 (two point seven five).
3) Value Prediction Institutional TOEFL (ITP):
a. Bachelor (S-1) of at least 470 (four hundred and seventy);
b. Diploma III (D-III) of at least 450 (four hundred and fifty).
4) Applicants do not have a family relationship (father / mother / son / brother / sister / in-law / husband / wife) by the employee INTRAC.

Sites Reference

  1. www.ppatk.go.id

Submit Application

Online registration through :


  • Online Appliction at : 20 August 2014 – 3 September 2014.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

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