Lowongan CPNS Perpusnas – Perpustakaan Nasional



Lowongan Kerja CPNS Perpusnas – Formasi CPNS Perpusnas – Persyaratan CPNS Perpusnas

About Perpustakaan Nasional (Perpusnas)

Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Perpusnas) or Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI) is the National Library in Jakarta, Indonesia. This library has the task of storing data and state information. NLI also a Non Departmental Government Institutions (Officials) which is under and responsible to the President.

The history begins with the establishment of the National Library Bataviaasch Genootschap on 24 April 1778. This institute is a pioneer of the new National Library and disbanded in 1950.

Initially, the National Library is one manifestation of the implementation and development of the national library system, a comprehensive and integrated, since its founding proclaimed on 17 May 1980 by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Daud Joesoef. When the position is still within the Ministry of Education and Culture at the echelon II under the Directorate General of Culture, and the body is the result of the integration of the four major libraries in Jakarta.

The four libraries, all of which are subordinate agency Directorate General of Culture, is:

  1. Library of the National Museum;
  2. Library history, politics and social (SPS);
  3. Library Jakarta area;
  4. Field Bibliography and Deposit, Library Development Center;

Although formally the National Library stand in the mid-1980s, but the overall integration of new physical can be done in January 1981 Until 1987 the National Library was located in three separate areas, namely on Jl. Merdeka Barat 12 (National Museum), Jl. Merdeka Selatan 11 (Library SPS) and Jl. Imam snag 1 (Manuscript Museum Proclamation). As the head of the National Library is the mother Mastini Hardjoprakoso, MLS, the former head of the National Museum Library.

On the initiative of The late Mrs. Tien Suharto, through Yayasan Harapan Kita he leads, the National Library of obtaining donations of land covering an area of ??16,000 m² over the following nine-storey building and a newly renovated building. Land is located on Jl. 28A Salemba Raya, Central Jakarta, is the location of Koning Willem III School (Kawedri), which is the first HBS in Indonesia when the colonial era. School building was later renovated into the main building after being used for leadership and secretariat offices. Storey building next to the nine functions as an actual library, where library collections are stored and administered to the public.

With the completion of the work the majority of new and renovated buildings on Jl. Salemba Raya 28A in early 1987, the leadership and staff of the three areas (except the Field Collection) moved to that location. The new building along with all the equipment that brings together all the activities under one roof that were previously scattered in several places in Jakarta. At age NLI 9th, officially opened the complex was marked by the signing of a marble inscription by President and Mrs. Tien Suharto on March 11, 1989.

However, in line with the inauguration of the complex, there are actually other events that are not less important. History records that five days earlier, precisely on March 6, 1989, has signed a monumental decision by the President through a presidential decree No. 11 of 1989 establishing the National Library, having merged with the Library Development Center (Drs leadership. Soekarman, MLS), becomes Institutions Non-Departmental Government (Officials) are positioned under and responsible directly to the President. The increase in institutional status also means NLI removed from the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture (now Ministry of Education), the parent body that has been raised since 1980 Mastini Hardjoprakoso mother still believed by the Government to lead the new agency. This fact also proves the Government’s commitment in raising the degree of libraries (and librarians) who had been felt always “forgotten”. According to records when merging, the number of collections in numbers ranging from 600 thousand copies, handled by approximately 500 employees located in two separate places, Jl. Salemba and Jl Raya 28A. Merdeka Selatan 11. Currently (December 1999) estimated the number of collections ex 1,100,00, and the number of employees 700 people.

With the increasing workloads and in line with the National Library of tips in implementing excellent service to the community, the decision was issued PresidenNomor 50 of 1997 dated 29 December 1997 this decree enhance the organizational structure, duties and functions of the National Library in order to anticipate the globalization of information that is approaching. Among the improvements is to create the post of deputy echelon IB and raise the status of the Provincial National Library (formerly Regional Library) into the second echelon. Continuing the previous leadership, Hernandono, MA, MLS, became head of the National Library since October 1998.

National Library has now become a national library in the real sense, an institution that not only serve the members of an association of a particular science, but also serve members of the public from all walks of life and classes. Although open to the public, the collection is closed and is not lent to take home. The service is not limited to services for scientific development efforts alone, but also in meeting the needs of library materials, particularly the field of social sciences and humanities, to the intellectual life of the nation.


Jobs Available

Perpusnas open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :

Formasi CPNS Perpusnas 2014

  1. Analis Kepegawaian Pertama
  2. Analis Keuangan
  3. Pengelola SIMAK BMN
  4. Pranata Humas Pertama
  5. Perencana Pertama
  6. Pustakawan Pertama
  7. Pustakawan Pelaksana
  8. Pranata Komputer Pertama
  9. Pranata Komputer Pelaksana
  10. Widyaiswara Pertama
  11. Pengadministrasi Umum
  12. Teknisi Peralatan, Listrik dan Elektronika
  13. Analis Anggaran

Formasi CPNS Perpusnas 2014

Jobs Description


  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
  • Has status as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servant.
  • There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as CPNS / PNS / Members Military / Police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee.
  • There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have permanent legal force, due to perform a criminal act.
  • Not a member of a political party or committee.
  • Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Understand / master the use of computers (office) and internet (browsing and electronic mail).

Sites Reference

  1. www.pnri.go.id

Submit Application

Online registration period began on 20 August to 3 September 2014 by the portal Panselnas :


  • CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
  • For applicants who have scored a Test Card please attach recent photograph with a red background size 3 x 4 cm in the space provided for 2 (two) copies.
  • Once passed and has submitted the file to the determination of NIP later resigned then imposed a fine to be deposited by the State of Indonesia.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source : www.pnri.go.id

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