Lowongan CPNS LSF – Lembaga Sensor Film



Lowongan CPNS Lembaga Sensor Film

About Lembaga Sensor Film – LSF

Lembaga Sensor Film – LSF is an institution that is responsible for determining the status on the films in Indonesia. A film can only be
released if it is declared ” pass censorship ” by LSF . LSF also have the same right to the billboard – advertisement films , such as movie posters . In addition to the pass mark censorship , film censorship institution also specify the age of the audience for the film classification is concerned . Before 1994, the LSF named Film Censorship Board .

LSF history

Dated December 5, 1900 was recorded as one of the important dates in the history of cinema in Indonesia, because on that date Bioscope Nederlandsche Maatschappij ( Dutch Cinema Company ) began operating theaters at a house in Kebun Jae , Tanah Abang (Manage ) , next to the railway factory ( workshop car ) Fuchss Maatschappij . Along with the development of the cinema business , better known by the public as a business idoep images , the Dutch colonial government has issued an ordinance in 1916 regulating the movie and how movie business . Cinema , in line with developments tonil , getting stuck in his footsteps and take effect in Dutch society . Regulations made and loosely applied by the colonial government , resulting in a lot of people who think movies have a bad influence to the indigenous people , including inlanders change the view of the white masters in power . Sir Hesketch Bell testified through books Administration in the Far East , published 1926 . On the way … in Asia , neither man found not agree that the impact of the film is very sad for the authority of the Europeans in the Far East . Before the movie presents a good part of the white community , many people of color do not know the moral failure among terrtentu in Western society … Recognizing the influence of bad movies and cinema , especially in the eyes of the colonial government the authority to attack them psychologically , too many Ordinance 1916 times was renewed as stated in the Official Gazette 1919 337 , 1919 688 and 1922 742 . However , these reforms still have not included the detailed restrictions for films that are allowed or denied . New Movies on Ordinance 1925 ( Ordinance Film , 1925, Staadblad 477 ) , enacted January 1, 1926 , the renewal is done about the problem by increasing the Film Commission is a regional nature become central to all the Dutch East Indies . The Commission consists of 15 people , including four European women , indigenous women 1 , 4 European nationals instead . Ordinance was updated again in 1925 film by the Film Ordinance 1926 ( vide No. Staadblad . 7 ) , which four years later renewed by Film Ordinance 1930 ( vide No. Staadblad . 447 ) , and finally perfected back through Ordinance 1940 film spawned Film Commisie ( vide No. Staadblad . 507 ) , which requires all films screened in theaters before ( to the public ) must be censored first.

Jobs Available

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 164/P/2013 tanggal 11 September 2013 dan hasil Rapat Koordinasi Penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 tanggal 11 s.d. 13 September 2013, Sekretariat Jenderal akan menerima Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil sejumlah 109 orang dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


  1. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI);
  2. Berusia antara 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2013;
  3. Sehat jasmani, rohani dan bebas NARKOBA, yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter;
  4. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap, yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari kepolisian;
  5. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta, yang dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan;
  6. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan/atau tidak sedang menjalani perjanjian/kontrak kerja/ikatan dinas pada instansi lain, baik instansi di dalam maupun di luar lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, yang dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan;

Persyaratan Nomor 3 sampai dengan 6 harus dipenuhi apabila pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi.

Ketentuan Lain :

  1. Persiapkan diri Anda dengan sebaik – baiknya. Terutama dalam menghadapi Soal Tes CPNS Sistem CAT, Info Selengkapnya : Klik Disini
  2. Pendaftaran tanpa dipungut biaya apapun.
  3. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi maupun tidak memenuhi syarat administrasi, berkas lamaran tidak dapat diambil kembali dan menjadi hak milik Panitia.
  4. Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petLSFuk teknis akan diatur kemudian oleh panitia.
  5. Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Pengajuan Lamaran

  1. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat email yang aktif untuk mengikuti proses rekrutmen CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan;
  2. Pelamar mengisi pendaftaran secara online di alamat https://cpns.kemdikbud.go.id dan mengikuti tata cara pendaftaran di portal pendaftaran, serta mencetak dan menandatangani form bukti registrasi;
  3. Pelamar wajib mengirimkan berkas lamaran ke alamat PO BOX 2974 JKP 10029;
  4. Pengumuman Selengkapnya : Klik Disini

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