Lowongan Formasi Penerimaan CPNS Kota Bandung
About Kota Bandung
Kota Bandung is the largest metropolitan city in West Java and the capital of the province. The city is located 140 km southeast of Jakarta, and is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya by population. While the Bandung Raya (London Metropolitan Region) is the third largest metropolitan in Indonesia after Jabodetabek and Gerbangkertosusila (Grebangkertosusilo). In this historic city, stands a first technical college in Indonesia (Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng – TH Bandung, Bandung Institute of Technology now – ITB) , the scene of fighting in the independence , and was once the venue for the Conference Asia-Africa in 1955, a meeting that voiced the spirit of anti-colonialism, even the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru in his speech said that London is the capital of Asia and Africa.
In 1990 the city of Bandung to be one of the safest cities in the world by Time magazine survey.
City flower is another name for this town, because in ancient times was considered to be very beautiful city with many trees and flowers that grow there. In addition, London was formerly referred to as Parijs van Java because of its beauty. In addition, the city of Bandung also known as a shopping city, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in the city, and is now gradually Bandung also be a culinary tourist town. And in 2007, the British Council made the city of Bandung as a pilot project for the most creative cities throughout East Asia. Today, the city of Bandung is one of the major tourist destinations and education. Two aspects are now the concentration of development initiated by the mayor of London, Ridwan Kamil. In recent years, many open Bandung city parks, culinary festivals, and youth communities. This development is to facilitate community activities Bandung in various walks of life.
Bandung is surrounded by mountains, so that the morphology of the area is like a giant bowl, geographically it is situated in the middle of the province of West Java, and is at an altitude of ± 768 m above sea level, the highest point is in the north with height 1,050 meters above sea level and to the south is a low area with an altitude of 675 meters above sea level.
Bandung flowed two major rivers, the Citarum River and its Cikapundung and its tributaries, which generally flows to the south and meet at the Citarum River. With such conditions, south London was vulnerable to flooding problems, especially during the rainy season.
The state of the existing geological and land in the city and surrounding areas are formed at the time of Kwartier and have alluvial soil layer eruption of Mount Tangkuban Parahu. Type of material in the north is generally a kind andosol so well in the middle and western regions, while areas south and east section consists of the distribution of the types of materials deposition gray alluvial clay.
While climate is influenced by the climate of Bandung mountainous humid and cool, with an average temperature of 23.5 ° C, average rainfall is 200.4 mm and the number of rainy days on average 21.3 days per month.
Jobs Available
Pemkot Bandung open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
Dokter Gigi pertama | S1 | Kedokteran Gigi + Profesi | III/b |
Bidan pelaksana | D3 | Jurusan Kebidanan | II/c |
Perawat pertama | S1/D4 | Jurusan keperawatan + Ners | III/a |
Perawat Gigi pertama | D3 | JurusankeperawatanGigi | II/c |
Apoteker pertama | S1 | Farmasi+Profesi Apoteker | III/b |
Asisten Apoteker pelaksana | D3 | Farmasi | II/c |
Radiografer pelaksana | D3 | Radiografi | II/c |
Nutrisionis pelaksana | D3 | JurusanGizi | II/c |
Teknik Elektromedis pelaksana | D3 | Teknik Elektromedis | II/c |
PeRekam Medis pelaksana | D3 | Rekam Medis | II/c |
Penyuluh Kesehatan masyarakat pertama | D3 | Kesehatan Masyarakat | II/c |
Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan pertama | S1 | Analis Kesehatan | III/a |
Penyuluh Sosial | S1 | semua jurusan | III/a |
Peneliti pertama | S2 | Magister (S2)/Pasca Sarjana (S2)/Doktor (S3) sesuai dengan kualifikasi | III/b |
pendidikan di bidang Teknik | |||
Perancang Peraturan Perundang-undangan pertama | S1 | Ilmu Hukum | III/a |
Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan pertama | S1 | ilmu Hukum, Sosial dan ilmu yang lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan | III/a |
Penera pelaksana | D3 | Metrologi | II/c |
Penyuluh Perindustrian dan Perdagangan pertama | S1 | Teknik Industri | III/a |
Penguji Mutu Barang pertama | S1 | Teknik Industri | III/a |
Teknik Tata Bangunan dan Perumahan pertama | S1 | teknik bangunan dan perumahan | III/a |
Penata Ruang pertama | S1 | Ilmu Teknik Sipil/Teknik | III/a |
Geodesi/Planologi/Teknik Lingkungan/Teknik Arsitektur | |||
Pranata Komputer pertama | S1 | Teknik Informatika | III/a |
Arsiparis pelaksana | D3 | ilmu Kearsipan/Keperpustakaan | II/c |
Pustakawan pelaksana | D3 | ilmu Kearsipan/Keperpustakaan | II/c |
Pemegang Buku | D3 | Ilmu Bisnis dan | II/c |
Manajemen/Ekonomi/ Akuntansi | |||
Analis Pelayanan Publik | S1 | Ilmu Sospol/Psikologi/Hukum/ Manajemen SDM/Ilmu Komunikasi | III/a |
Analis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat | S1 | Ilmu Hukum/Psikologi/Ilmu | III/a |
Pemerintahan | |||
Analis Bangunan Gedung | S1 | Ilmu Teknik Sipil/Teknik | III/a |
Geodesi/Planologi/Teknik Lingkungan/Teknik Arsitektur | |||
Analis Jalan | S1 | Ilmu Teknik Sipil/Teknik | III/a |
Geodesi/Planologi/Teknik Lingkungan/Teknik Arsitektur | |||
Analis Hubungan Kelembagaan | S1 | Ilmu Sosial Politik/Manajemen SDM/Administrasi Negara/Psikologi/Hukum | III/a |
Penerjemah pertama | S1 | Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris | III/a |
Jobs Description
CPNS Bandung General Requirements:
- Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Applicants must be graduates of State Universities / Private accredited, and / or has received permission from the Minister of the menyelenggarakanurusan implementation of government in education or other officials Legislation based education authorities;
- Requirements Age Applicants aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years at tanggal1 December 2014, and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years of age on December 31, 2014;
- Good character and never convicted prison or jail based on court decisions that have had a legally enforceable;
- Able-bodied and do not use illegal drugs;
- Not been dishonorably discharged, not at his own request, or not with respect as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Service or dishonorably discharged as a Private Employees;
- Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants or the Civil Service;
- Willing to resign from the management and / or membership of political parties if it passed as a civil servant.
Special Requirements
- Having educational qualification / degree in accordance with the formation positions available;
- Have a grade point average value (GPA) as low – low of 2.80 (two point eight zero)
- Photocopy of Diploma and Transcript known or authorized by the competent authority as much as 1 (one) sheet;
- Recent color photograph size 4 x 6 3 (three) pieces, written behind the photograph so that the name and date of birth and placed in a transparent plastic bag;
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) Electronic or cards that do not have a family for Electronic ID card.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Online registration at the portal Panselnas to get registration number, user and password :
Then go to : and choose the Department you desired.
- CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- Registration Information and Terms CPNS Bandung in 2014 you can view at the official website of the city of Bandung (Pemkot Bandung): Such information will only be available after the vacancy CPNS 2014 Bandung (Pemkot Bandung) officially opened.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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