Lowongan CPNS Kemhan – Kementerian Pertahanan



Lowongan Kerja CPNS Kemhan

About Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (Kemhan)

Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia – Kemhan – Dephan is a ministries in the Government of Indonesia is in charge of defense affairs . The Ministry of Defence is headed by a Minister of Defence ( Defence ) that since October 22, 2009 held by Yusgiantoro .

The Ministry of Defence is one of the three ministries ( with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs ) explicitly mentioned in the 1945 Constitution . The Ministry of Defence can not be modified or dissolved by the president .

Defence Minister together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Interior to act as acting president if the President and Vice President die, resign , dismissed , or can not perform his duties during his post simultaneously.


Independence period

  • Independence Preparatory Committee on August 19, 1945 set 12 ministries including the Ministry of Defence . Later in October 1945 , when the ministry has not run as it should , formed Ministry of People’s Security .

New Order period

  • Development Cabinet ( 1968 ) defense functions are controlled directly by the President who doubles as Minister of Defense / Security until 1973 . On the Second Development Cabinet and subsequently , the function is always united with the country’s defense and security functions under the Ministry of Defence and Security in which the security minister as well as a military commander .

The Reformation

  • Department of Defense Security reform itself with military separation – the separation of the police and also performed in which the Secretary of Defense position as political office , no longer concurrent positions TNI Commander .


Law No. 3 of 2002 on National Defence

In accordance with Law No. 3 of 2002 on National Defence , Section 16 , Secretary of Defense task is :

  1. Led the Ministry of Defence .
  2. Assist the President in formulating public policy defense.
  3. Determining policy for national defense based on the general policy determined by the President .
  4. Formulate and Defence White Paper set a policy of bilateral cooperation , regional , and international in its field .
  5. Formulating public policy use of force and the Indonesian National Armed Forces other defense components .
  6. Establish policies budgeting , procurement , recruitment , management of national resources , as well as the development of technology and defense industry required by the Indonesian armed forces and other defense force components .
  7. In cooperation with the leadership of ministries and other government agencies as well as developing and implementing strategic planning for management of national resources for the benefit of the defense .

Jobs Available

Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position :

Submit Application

Interested candidates should register by online through :


  • Prepare with Cat System Test Software, More info : Click Here
  • Online registration 19 – 21 September 2013
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
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