Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS KemenLH
About Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup (KemenLH)
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup – KemenLH is the ministries in the Government of Indonesia is in charge of environmental affairs. Environment Ministry is headed by a Minister of the Environment (Minister of Environment) that since the date of October 19, 2011 held by Berth Kambuaya.
Duties and functions (Auth)
The Ministry of Environment has the task to assist the President in formulating policy and coordination in the field of environment and control of environmental impacts, as well as the following functions:
- formulation of national policies in the field of environment and control of environmental impacts
- coordination of policy implementation in the areas of environment and control of environmental impacts
- asset management / wealth of the country to its responsibilities
- supervision over the execution of their duties
- submission of the evaluation report, suggestions, and considerations in the field of tasks and functions to the President.
History ministry name
- Ministry of State for Development Supervision and Environment (State Ministry PPLH, 1978-1983)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (State Ministry for the Environment, 1983-1993)
- Ministry of Environment (State Ministry for the Environment, 1993-2005)
- Ministry of Environment (Ministry of Environment, 2005-present)
Contact Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup

Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24
Kebon Nanas, Jakarta Timur 13410
Telephone: +62 021-8580067-68 (hunting)
Jobs Available
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
I. Formasi Jabatan dan Kualifikasi Pendidikan
Jobs Description
II. Requirements
A. General Requirements
- Indonesian citizen;
- Fear of God Almighty;
- Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
- Not located as Candidate / PNS, Candidates / Members army / police;
- Not located as a board member or a political party;
- There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as PNS / TNI / police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee;
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions;
- Meet the requirements of education and skills / study program that suits your needs;
- Of good character;
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Each applicant is required to have an email.
B. Special Requirements
- Maximum age of 34 years as of January 1, 2014;
- The number of test participants as much as 30 x (times) the number of vacancies, based on GPA or average value of diploma / STTB the highest;
III. Terms Filing Application
A. Registration
- each applicant must conduct the registration form online from August 20 till 3 September 2014, through the portal of the National Selection Committee / Panselnas ( as required by Paselnas (consisting of the full name of the applicant, Identity Number / VIN, date of birth, the agency proposed option , email address etc);
- applicants who have completed filling out the registration form will receive a user id and password sent to the email address of each;
- applicants who have obtained a user id and password, are required to fill out a registration form through the portal back by using a user id and password by following the procedures in the portal perndaftaran;
- applicants who have to register online in order to download (download) and print the registration card CPNS 2014;
- each applicant can choose at most three (3) vacancies of office in accordance with the educational qualifications possessed.
B. Selection Administration
- The committee will make the selection and administration of the files of applicants who have done online registration;
- Applicants who pass the selection and administration will dumumkan online through the portal Panselnas ( and the Ministry of Environment (;
- Applicants who passed the administrative selection online, the file will be verified by the Committee;
- At the time file verification, applicants are required to come directly (not represented), to bring:
- Original Print out the registration card that has been downloaded, from the portal
- Diplomas and transcripts of academic achievement (original)
- Valid ID card (original);
- Recent color photograph with a red background size 4 x 6 sheets of 2 and 3 x 4 cm 2 pieces.
- For those applicants who pass the file verification, identity cards Exam Participants will be validated with stamp / stamp duty and eligible for Basic Competence Test.
C. Verification File
1) Place of Execution Verification File
a. For applicants in the formation of the Ministry of the Environment Centre, where the verification file is in the office of the Ministry of the Environment, Roads IN Panjaitan, Kebun Nanas, East Jakarta.
b. For applicants in the formation PPE Java, where the verification file in the office of the Management Center Java Ecoregion, Ring Road West Road No. 100, Nusupan Nogotirto, Limestone, Sleman, Yogyakarta;
c. For applicants in PPE formation of Sumatra, where the verification file in the office of the Management Center Ecoregion Sumatra, Jalan HR Soebrantas KM. 10.5 Panam, Pekanbaru-Riau;
d. For applicants in the formation PPE Bali and Nusa Tenggara, where the verification file in the office of the Management Center Ecoregion Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Jalan Ir. Juanda No. 2 Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar-Bali;
e. For applicants in the formation PPE Borneo, where the verification file in the office of the Management Center Ecoregion Borneo, Gen. Path. Sudirman No. 19A Balikpapan East Kalimantan;
f. For applicants in Sulawesi and Maluku PPE formation, where the verification of the file at the office of Central Sulawesi and Maluku Ecoregion Management, Independence Pioneer Road KM.17, Makassar South Sulawesi;
g. For applicants in the formation PPE Papua, where the verification file in the office of the Management Center Ecoregion Papua, Madura Strait Street No. 4 Biak.
2) Time Verification File
Date and time of the verification file will be notified later.
D. Examination Computer Assisted Test (CAT). CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
1) Basic Competence Test (TKD)
Applicants who passed the selection test file will follow the Basic Competence Test (TKD) through CAT system with the material:
a. Test Insight Nationality (TWK);
b. General Intelligence Test (TIU);
c. Personal Characteristics Test (TKP).
Place test execution TKD
- For applicants to the formation of KLH Center, the State Employment Agency Central, Jalan. Sutoyo No. 12, East Jakarta;
- For applicants in the formation PPE Java, the first Regional Civil Service Agency of Yogyakarta, Magelang Street Km.75, IN Yogyakarta;
- For applicants in the formation PPE Sumatra, the State Personnel Board XII Regional Pekanbaru, Jalan Hang Pour tip No. 148, Pekanbaru;
- For applicants in the formation PPE Bali and Nusa Tenggara, the Regional Civil Service Agency X Denpasar, Jalan By Pass I Gusti Ngurahray No. 646, Suwung, Denpasar;
- For applicants in the formation PPE Borneo, the State Personnel Board State Regional Banjarmasin VIII, No. 1 Jalan Bhayangkara Great River, New Banjar, South Kalimantan;
- For applicants in Sulawesi and Maluku PPE formation, the State Personnel Board Regional IV Makassar, Pancarekang Road, No. 3 Power, District Bringkanaya, Makassar;
- For applicants in the formation PPE Papua, the State Personnel Board Regional IX Papua, New Road No. 100 / B, King City. Kayapura;
2) Sector Competency Test (TKB)
For those applicants who pass the selection will follow TKD Sector Competency Test (TKB) with the interview method.
3) Implementation Exam Time
Time and date of implementation of the CAT exam and interview TKB TKD will be notified later.
III. Other
- Applicant / participant selection, free of charge;
- The cost of transportation and accommodation during the selection process, borne by each participant;
- Announcement of participants who graduated in each stage of the selection will be communicated through the MOE website: http //
- Source
Lowongan CPNS KemenLH brougth to you by lokecpnsbumn