Lowongan CPNS Kemenpora – Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga



Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Kemenpora

About Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia (Kemenpora)

Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia – Kemenegpora – Kemenpora or the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry in Indonesia which oversees the youth and sports affairs. Previously known as the State Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs (Indonesian : Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga – Kemenpora). The Ministry is based in Jakarta and its head office is situated in Jl Gerbang Pemuda No 3 Senayan Jakarta 10270. The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia is headed by a Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) that since January 2013 held by Roy Suryo Notodiprojo (Popular names Roy Suryo), replacing Andi Mallarangeng who resigned in December 2012. The organization structure of Kemenpora is supported by 5 deputies, 4 expert staff, and 3 buerau.

“MAKING THE youth and sport COMPETITIVE”

Vision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2010-2014 can not be separated from efforts to achieve the Vision Development 2005-2025 “Indonesia is an independent, progressive, just, and prosperous” and implement the 2005-2025 National Development Mission “Creating a competitive nation” as stated the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025.

COMPETITIVE within the scope of youth means: “has the ability to compete is generated through pattern and increase the potential of youth cadre in a planned, systematic, and sustainable in accordance with the methods of education, training, apprenticeship, coaching, mentoring, and utilization studies, partnerships, and empowerment centers youth are constantly developed so as to achieve maximum results in creating added value in various fields of youth development, as well as increased noble character and achievement Indonesian youth in competitive global arena. ”

COMPETITIVE sport in scope means: “has the ability to compete is generated through pattern formation and development actors, energy, organization, financing, training pattern, awards, facilities, and sports facilities, and continuing in stages in accordance with the method of upgrading, training, counseling,
guidance, correctional, pioneering, research, testing, and competition that have implemented modern management and technology of sports, as well as the utilization of aid, simplifying, and sports centers so as to achieve maximum results in the regional or international level competition “.


The mission of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2010-2014 implies:

  1. Increasing the youth harness the potential power source with cross-sectoral partnerships, inter-governmental, untukdan support youth empowerment increase community awareness insight, and through the inventory of potential, scientific capacity, the capacity of faith, creativity, and organizational skills of youth so that the youth can increase participation, active role, and productivity in the building itself, the community, the nation, and the state;
  2. Realizing advanced youth, character, capacity, and competitiveness by preparing youth cadres according to the characteristics of youth who have kejuangan spirit, volunteerism, responsibility, and knights and have a critical attitude, idealistic, innovative, progressive, dynamic, reformist, and futuristic without leaving roots Indonesian culture is reflected in kebhinnekatunggalikaan to support the development of entrepreneurship, leadership, innovation, education, and leadership, youth volunteerism in various areas of development, including a special assignment scout for the development / scouting as container cadre future leaders;
  3. Increasing the resource potential of sports by utilizing cross-sectoral partnerships, inter-governmental, and community to support pemassalan, acculturation, and the development of industry and sports centers through the introduction of the sport to the family, the education unit, and the general public so that people like to do sports activities at the discretion of itself as well as the popularization of sports as a healthy and active living habits in accordance with the conditions and cultural values ??of local communities so that people gain the level of physical fitness, health, happiness, and quality of social relationships; and
  4. Realizing that athletes excel at regional and international level competition through increased capacity and potential of young sportsmen and sportsmen mainstay of the national potential in a systematic, integrated, tiered, and sustainable utilization of modern sports science and technology to support the breeding of talented sportsmen and improving the quality of international coaches on coaching accomplishments sport.
Kemenpora OK

Jobs Available

Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :

Formasi CPNS Kemenpora 2014 : 163
Download : Click Here

Jobs Description

Requirements :

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
  • Has status as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servant.
  • There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as CPNS / PNS / Members Military / Police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee.
  • There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have permanent legal force, due to perform a criminal act.
  • Not a member of a political party or committee.
  • Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Sites Reference

  1. www.kemenpora.go.id

Submit Application

Online registration at the portal Panselnas :

Other Notes:

  • CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Info Lowongan CPNS Kemenpora brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn