Lowongan Kerja CPNS Kemenhut – Dephut – Persyaratan, Formasi dan Pendaftaran
About Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia (Kemenhut)
Kementerian Kehutanan – Kemenhut – Departemen Kehutanan – Dephut is the ministry in charge of the affairs of the Government of Indonesia and plantation forestry . Ministry is headed by a Minister of Forestry ( MoF ) that the date of October 22, 2009 held by Zulkifli Hasan .
Forestry development as a series of directed and planned effort to harness and utilize forest resources optimally and sustainably . The goal is to integrate and balance the benefits of forests to forest functions in harmony which can take place in the plenary .
In the implementation , which is in line with the development of other efforts in national development , forestry development faces various problems / barriers that are very complex . If the problems and obstacles that are not adequately addressed , forestry development objectives would be compromised .
Various problems in the form of threats, harassment , and obstacles in the implementation of forestry development , will not be solved completely if treatment is not strategic , through conceptual and complete response to the management system that can accommodate all the activities of forestry activities is increasing . In such conditions it is necessary the existence of a suitable form of administration and appropriate , as a means that is necessary for the successful implementation of forestry development .
Forestry agency -level Directorate General of felt unable to cope with the problems and the development of forestry development activities is increasing. Some administrative barriers affecting the implementation of forestry development include:
- Directorate general scope is too narrow , so a lot of issues that should be handled with discretion the authority of the ministers received less attention . As a result , the General Directorate of Forestry is often faced with the problems of hierarchy , such as in the cooperation with the other agencies that higher levels.
- The next result , may continue to the next level down . Directorate General of Forestry had a lot of delegating authority to the directorate of which should exceed . Thus , the directorate is also involved in the line of duties and tasks of cross- sectoral / sub -sectoral , which is a lot going for forestry activities .
- Authority inherent in the organization of the directorate -general level to be too small in the face of problems which are wisdom , especially in cooperation with other relevant agencies .
- Functional technical relationship between local and central government, through the Regional Office of the Department ( of Agriculture ) , which because of the nature of the activities of each sub- sector , raises kekurangserasian .
- Limitations to develop a means of personnel occurs , because the bound on the number of formations for the directorate-general level .
- In addition, there were also limitations on organizational unit , which is functionally acting as a watchdog element .
- Overall incidence of these barriers often cause problems that are non- routine , which requires a special solution .
Moreover , to achieve the objectives of forestry development required a starting base and the orientation of vast horizons and thorough about forests and forestry , which in practice covers aspects of the utilization , conservation of natural resources of forest and land rehabilitation .

Establishment of the Ministry of Forestry is not a restoration of the Directorate General of Forestry , rather it is an institution building through the development and utilization of forestry and material conditions possessed . It is at once a response to the conditions and problems faced during it , which include limitations of regulatory issues , leadership and wisdom , limited facilities , personnel and others. On the basis of these conditions then be re-defined goals, objectives and main tasks and functions of the Department of Forestry as the basis for the implementation of forestry development .
Jobs Available
Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) as :
- Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kehutanan : 97 orang
- Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pelayaran : 8 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Kehutanan : 43 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi : 26 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi / Ekonomi : 6 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi / Manajemen : 1 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Administrasi Negara : 29 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Komputer : 1 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informasi : 3 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Informatika : 3 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Kearsipan : 2 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Sejarah / Seni Rupa : 1 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Kimia : 2 orang
- Diploma III (D-III) Perpustakaan : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan : 201 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Manajemen Hutan : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan : 3 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan / Hukum : 35 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Administrasi Negara : 3 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Administrasi Negara / Manajemen : 6 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Akuntansi : 23 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Antropologi : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Desain Grafis / Desain Komunikasi Visual : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi Pembangunan : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi / Akuntansi : 13 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi / Hubungan Internasional : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Geografi / Geodesi : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Hukum : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Hukum / Administrasi Negara : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Ilmu Psikologi : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Kearsipan / Keperpustakaan : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Komputer : 6 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Manajemen SDM : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pelayaran : 4 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Agama Islam : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia : 3 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris : 2 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Matematika : 4 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Olah Raga : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Mesin Penerbangan : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Perkapalan : 1 orang
- Sarjana (S-1) Semua Jurusan : 24 orang
- Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Kehutanan Jurusan Manajemen Hutan : 2 orang
- Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Kehutanan Jurusan Hasil Hutan / Manajemen Hutan : 1 orang
- Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Semua Jurusan : 4 orang
Jobs Description
- 1. Indonesian citizen who devoted to God Almighty, loyal and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia;
- 2. Behave well and was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have permanent legal force;
- 3. Not in a position as a board member / members of political parties;
- 4. not been honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect as PNS / Members Military / Police and as private employees;
- 5. Not located as CPNS / PNS;
- 6. Healthy mind and body;
- 7. Willing to be placed throughout the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia or any other country which is determined by the Government;
- 8. age on October 1, 2014:
- a) At least 18 years old (born on October 1, 1996 or earlier);
- b) A maximum of 25 years (born on October 1, 1989 or later) for Vocational High School;
- c) A maximum of 26 years (born on October 1, 1988 or thereafter) to 3 Diploma (D-3)??;
- d) A maximum of 30 years (born on October 1, 1984 or later) for Bachelor (S-1);
- e) A maximum of 33 years (born on October 1, 1981 or thereafter) to Post-Graduate (S-2).
- 9. grade point average (GPA):
- a) For Diploma (D-3) ??of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B;
- b) For the Bachelor (S-1) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B; and c) to Post-Graduate (S-2) of at least 3.00 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B.
- 10. Forest Police Special office has the following additional requirements:
- a) Have a minimum height of 165 cm (for men) and 155 cm (for women) with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of normal / ideal; and
- b) Not color blind, no glasses and disability.
- 1. Register online through the national portal to get a username and password;
- 2. In point 1 (a) to note carefully that the applicant is only allowed to choose one (1) agency;
- 3. After getting the username and password and registering applicants further through the portal Ministry of Forestry;
- 4. Applicants are allowed to choose three (3) formation positions in accordance with the qualifications required in the Ministry of Forestry;
- 5. Applicants who have registered online to download (download) and print the registration form as item 3 (three) above as proof of registration to the applicant;
- 6 Applicants submit a single application of digital documents (scanned) of the original document as follows:
- a. Identity Card (KTP) is still valid;
- b. Diploma (Certificate of Graduation / Diploma While not accepted);
- c. Transcript;
- d. Accreditation Program Study;
- e. Nautica Certificate (Special Educational Qualification Shipping).
- 7 registration documents stored in 1 (one) file in the form of Portable Document Format (pdf) with a maximum size of 500 kilobytes (kb) with the order as stated in item 6 (six) above.
- 8. registration documents sent by way of uploading via the portal simultaneously at the time of registration online;
- 9. registration documents that do not qualify will not be processed;
- 10. Documents the registration committee received become the property of the committee and shall not be refunded by the applicant.
Sites Reference
Sumit Application
Registration online through the national portal :
- http://panselnas.menpan. (to get registration number on 20 August – 3 September 2014)
Then after getting a username and password, the applicants must register to the Ministry of Forestry portal :
- (20 August 2014 – 3 September 2014).
- CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS : Register Here
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
Lowongan CPNS Kemenhut brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn