Lowongan CPNS Kemenhut – Kementerian Kehutanan



Lowongan Kerja CPNS Kemenhut – Dephut – Persyaratan, Formasi dan Pendaftaran

About Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia (Kemenhut)

Kementerian Kehutanan – Kemenhut – Departemen Kehutanan – Dephut is the ministry in charge of the affairs of the Government of Indonesia and plantation forestry . Ministry is headed by a Minister of Forestry ( MoF ) that the date of October 22, 2009 held by Zulkifli Hasan .

Forestry development as a series of directed and planned effort to harness and utilize forest resources optimally and sustainably . The goal is to integrate and balance the benefits of forests to forest functions in harmony which can take place in the plenary .

In the implementation , which is in line with the development of other efforts in national development , forestry development faces various problems / barriers that are very complex . If the problems and obstacles that are not adequately addressed , forestry development objectives would be compromised .

Various problems in the form of threats, harassment , and obstacles in the implementation of forestry development , will not be solved completely if treatment is not strategic , through conceptual and complete response to the management system that can accommodate all the activities of forestry activities is increasing . In such conditions it is necessary the existence of a suitable form of administration and appropriate , as a means that is necessary for the successful implementation of forestry development .

Forestry agency -level Directorate General of felt unable to cope with the problems and the development of forestry development activities is increasing. Some administrative barriers affecting the implementation of forestry development include:

  1. Directorate general scope is too narrow , so a lot of issues that should be handled with discretion the authority of the ministers received less attention . As a result , the General Directorate of Forestry is often faced with the problems of hierarchy , such as in the cooperation with the other agencies that higher levels.
  2. The next result , may continue to the next level down . Directorate General of Forestry had a lot of delegating authority to the directorate of which should exceed . Thus , the directorate is also involved in the line of duties and tasks of cross- sectoral / sub -sectoral , which is a lot going for forestry activities .
  3. Authority inherent in the organization of the directorate -general level to be too small in the face of problems which are wisdom , especially in cooperation with other relevant agencies .
  4. Functional technical relationship between local and central government, through the Regional Office of the Department ( of Agriculture ) , which because of the nature of the activities of each sub- sector , raises kekurangserasian .
  5. Limitations to develop a means of personnel occurs , because the bound on the number of formations for the directorate-general level .
  6. In addition, there were also limitations on organizational unit , which is functionally acting as a watchdog element .
  7. Overall incidence of these barriers often cause problems that are non- routine , which requires a special solution .

Moreover , to achieve the objectives of forestry development required a starting base and the orientation of vast horizons and thorough about forests and forestry , which in practice covers aspects of the utilization , conservation of natural resources of forest and land rehabilitation .


Establishment of the Ministry of Forestry is not a restoration of the Directorate General of Forestry , rather it is an institution building through the development and utilization of forestry and material conditions possessed . It is at once a response to the conditions and problems faced during it , which include limitations of regulatory issues , leadership and wisdom , limited facilities , personnel and others. On the basis of these conditions then be re-defined goals, objectives and main tasks and functions of the Department of Forestry as the basis for the implementation of forestry development .

Jobs Available

Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) as :

  1. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kehutanan : 97 orang
  2. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pelayaran : 8 orang
  3. Diploma III (D-III) Kehutanan : 43 orang
  4. Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi : 26 orang
  5. Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi / Ekonomi : 6 orang
  6. Diploma III (D-III) Akuntansi / Manajemen : 1 orang
  7. Diploma III (D-III) Administrasi Negara : 29 orang
  8. Diploma III (D-III) Komputer : 1 orang
  9. Diploma III (D-III) Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informasi : 3 orang
  10. Diploma III (D-III) Informatika : 3 orang
  11. Diploma III (D-III) Kearsipan : 2 orang
  12. Diploma III (D-III) Sejarah / Seni Rupa : 1 orang
  13. Diploma III (D-III) Kimia : 2 orang
  14. Diploma III (D-III) Perpustakaan : 1 orang
  15. Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan : 201 orang
  16. Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan : 2 orang
  17. Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Manajemen Hutan : 2 orang
  18. Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan : 3 orang
  19. Sarjana (S-1) Kehutanan / Hukum : 35 orang
  20. Sarjana (S-1) Administrasi Negara : 3 orang
  21. Sarjana (S-1) Administrasi Negara / Manajemen : 6 orang
  22. Sarjana (S-1) Akuntansi : 23 orang
  23. Sarjana (S-1) Antropologi : 1 orang
  24. Sarjana (S-1) Desain Grafis / Desain Komunikasi Visual : 1 orang
  25. Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi Pembangunan : 2 orang
  26. Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi / Akuntansi : 13 orang
  27. Sarjana (S-1) Ekonomi / Hubungan Internasional : 1 orang
  28. Sarjana (S-1) Geografi / Geodesi : 1 orang
  29. Sarjana (S-1) Hukum : 2 orang
  30. Sarjana (S-1) Hukum / Administrasi Negara : 2 orang
  31. Sarjana (S-1) Ilmu Psikologi : 2 orang
  32. Sarjana (S-1) Kearsipan / Keperpustakaan : 1 orang
  33. Sarjana (S-1) Komputer : 6 orang
  34. Sarjana (S-1) Manajemen SDM : 1 orang
  35. Sarjana (S-1) Pelayaran : 4 orang
  36. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Agama Islam : 1 orang
  37. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia : 3 orang
  38. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris : 2 orang
  39. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling : 1 orang
  40. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Matematika : 4 orang
  41. Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Olah Raga : 1 orang
  42. Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Mesin Penerbangan : 1 orang
  43. Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Perkapalan : 1 orang
  44. Sarjana (S-1) Semua Jurusan : 24 orang
  45. Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Kehutanan Jurusan Manajemen Hutan : 2 orang
  46. Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Kehutanan Jurusan Hasil Hutan / Manajemen Hutan : 1 orang
  47. Pasca Sarjana (S-2) Semua Jurusan : 4 orang

Jobs Description


  • 1. Indonesian citizen who devoted to God Almighty, loyal and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia;
  • 2. Behave well and was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have permanent legal force;
  • 3. Not in a position as a board member / members of political parties;
  • 4. not been honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect as PNS / Members Military / Police and as private employees;
  • 5. Not located as CPNS / PNS;
  • 6. Healthy mind and body;
  • 7. Willing to be placed throughout the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia or any other country which is determined by the Government;
  • 8. age on October 1, 2014:
    • a) At least 18 years old (born on October 1, 1996 or earlier);
    • b) A maximum of 25 years (born on October 1, 1989 or later) for Vocational High School;
    • c) A maximum of 26 years (born on October 1, 1988 or thereafter) to 3 Diploma (D-3)??;
    • d) A maximum of 30 years (born on October 1, 1984 or later) for Bachelor (S-1);
    • e) A maximum of 33 years (born on October 1, 1981 or thereafter) to Post-Graduate (S-2).
  • 9. grade point average (GPA):
    • a) For Diploma (D-3) ??of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B;
    • b) For the Bachelor (S-1) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B; and c) to Post-Graduate (S-2) of at least 3.00 on a scale of 4 with accredited programs A or B.
  • 10. Forest Police Special office has the following additional requirements:
    • a) Have a minimum height of 165 cm (for men) and 155 cm (for women) with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of normal / ideal; and
    • b) Not color blind, no glasses and disability.


  • 1. Register online through the national portal http://panselnas.menpan.go.id to get a username and password;
  • 2. In point 1 (a) to note carefully that the applicant is only allowed to choose one (1) agency;
  • 3. After getting the username and password and registering applicants further through the portal http://cpnsonline.dephut.go.id Ministry of Forestry;
  • 4. Applicants are allowed to choose three (3) formation positions in accordance with the qualifications required in the Ministry of Forestry;
  • 5. Applicants who have registered online to download (download) and print the registration form as item 3 (three) above as proof of registration to the applicant;
  • 6 Applicants submit a single application of digital documents (scanned) of the original document as follows:
    • a. Identity Card (KTP) is still valid;
    • b. Diploma (Certificate of Graduation / Diploma While not accepted);
    • c. Transcript;
    • d. Accreditation Program Study;
    • e. Nautica Certificate (Special Educational Qualification Shipping).
  • 7 registration documents stored in 1 (one) file in the form of Portable Document Format (pdf) with a maximum size of 500 kilobytes (kb) with the order as stated in item 6 (six) above.
  • 8. registration documents sent by way of uploading via the portal http://cpnsonline.dephut.go.id simultaneously at the time of registration online;
  • 9. registration documents that do not qualify will not be processed;
  • 10. Documents the registration committee received become the property of the committee and shall not be refunded by the applicant.

Sites Reference

  1. www.dephut.go.id

Sumit Application

Registration online through the national portal :

Then after getting a username and password, the applicants must register to the Ministry of Forestry portal :


  • CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS : Register Here
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan CPNS Kemenhut brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn