Lowongan CPNS Kemendesa – Kementerian Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi



Lowongan CPNS Kemendesa

About Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (Kemendesa)

Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia – Kemendesa is a Ministry of the Government of Indonesia Development Affairs wing village and rural area, the village community empowerment, the acceleration of regional development lags behind, and transmigration. The Ministry of regional development of the village, Left, and transmigration is below and is responsible to the President. The Ministry is headed by a Minister of the village, regional development lagging and transmigration since 27 July 2016 Putro Sandjojo Eco replacing.


Acceleration of the development of State of the Ministry of the eastern Indonesia’s new Cabinet was formed on Mutual during the Government of President Megawati Sukarnoputri. The Government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Ministry was renamed the Ministry of regional development Acceleration Left the country and later became the Ministry of regional development of the country left behind. During the administration of President Joko Widodo, the Ministry of Labor in the Cabinet again was renamed the Ministry of regional development, the Village left behind and Resettlement.

The Ministry of regional development of the village, Left, and Transmigration has the task of organizing the Affairs of Government in the field of development of the village and rural area, the village community empowerment, the acceleration of regional development and transmigration, to help the President in organizing the Government. In carrying out the task, the Ministry for regional development of the village, Left, and organizes the Resettlement function:

  • determination of formulation, implementation, and policy in the field of development of the village and rural area, the empowerment of village community, the development of certain areas, regional development, preparation, construction of settlements, and the development of resettlement areas;
  • coordination of the implementation of tasks, coaching, and the granting of administrative support to all elements of the Organization’s Environment Ministry for regional development of the village, Left, and transmigration;
  • the management of the country’s wealth/belongings that became his responsibility;
  • supervision over the implementation of the tasks in the Environment Ministry for regional development of the village, Left, and transmigration;
  • implementation of technical guidance and supervision over the execution of the Affairs of the Ministry of regional development of the village, Left, and transmigration;
  • implementation of research and development, education and training, as well as the management of information in the field of the construction of village and rural area, the empowerment of village community, the development of certain areas, regional development, and transmigration; and
  • the implementation of the substantive nature of the support to all elements of the Organization’s Environment Ministry for regional development of the village, Left, and transmigration

Jobs Available

Kemendesa is seeking the qualified Indonesia people to join as :

  • CPNS di Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi

Jobs Description

In order to realize the mandate of the third Nawacita that is built from the outskirts of Indonesia by strengthening those areas and villages as well as the development of the border area, then the Ministry of regional development of the village, Tertinggai, and Resettlement require additional qualified employees and a high competitive power in support of the implementation of the mandate in question. The Ministry of regional development of the village, Left, and procurement clerks will do a Transmigration through the mechanism of the selection of prospective civil servants will be done simultaneously nationwide in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reforrnasi.

In connection with this we ask that father/mother as Rector of the Colleges of the country can point Students luiusan lerbaik (Nobel honors) to participate in the selection process a candidate civil servants (CPNS) for the Ministry of regional development, the Village left behind and Transmigration 2016.

Sites Reference

  1. www.kemendesa.go.id

Submit Application

For those interested and meet the requirements, please do registration online on schedule in the following pages:


  • CPNS test method using CAT, enthusiasts are expected to study the lattice grid CAT Tests on : http://ujian.latihansoal.com.
  • Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
  • Source

Info Lowongan CPNS Kemendesa brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com