Lowongan CPNS Kab Bekasi



Lowongan Formasi Penerimaan CPNS Kab Bekasi

About Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bekasi is a district in the province of West Java, Indonesia. Its capital is the City of Cikarang. This district is located just east of Jakarta, bordering Bekasi and Jakarta Province in western Java Sea in the west and north, Khanewal district in the east, and Bogor to the south. Bekasi regency consists of 23 districts, which are further divided over a number of villages and wards.

Search Poerbatjaraka (an expert in Sanskrit and Old Javanese language). The word “World” is derived from the word Candrabhaga philological; Chandra means moon (“SASI” in Javanese language) and Bhaga means part. So Candrabhaga means the part of the month. Candrabhaga word pronunciation sometimes turn into Sasibhaga or Bhagasasi. Bhagasi often abbreviated pronunciation, and because of the influence of the Dutch language often written Bacassie (at the railway station Lemahabang been found signpost Bacassie name). Bacassie said then turned into Bekasi up to now.

Candrabhaga is part of the Kingdom of Tarumanagara, which stood since the 5th century AD. There are 7 (seven) inscription that mentions the existence of the kingdom of Tarumanagara, led by Maharaja Purnawarman, the Tugu Inscription (Cilincing, Jakarta), Inscription Ciaruteun, Muara Cianteun Inscription, Inscription Kebun Coffee, Cashew Inscription, Inscription Sand Awi (to six this inscription is in Bogor), and an inscription in the South London area (inscription Cidangiang).

Bekasi is suspected that one of the central kingdom of Tarumanagara (Tugu inscription, reads: ..dahulu time called Kali Candrabhaga excavated by Maharaja Majesty Purnawarman, which flows down to the sea, this time even running around the royal palace. Later, during 22 years of throne noble and wise king and all banners digging times beautiful and clear water, “Gomati” name. Having a river that flows around the land of the residence of Her Majesty the Purnawarman. this work begins on a good day, which is half of the evening on the 8th Phalguna month and ends on the 13th of the bright half of the month Caitra. So, finished only 21 days. Term excavation results tumbak time it reaches 6122. To that end, salvation was held led by the Brahmins and King mendharmakan 1000 cows …). Posts in this stele depicts the king’s order to dig Purnawarman times Candrabhaga, which aims to irrigate the fields and avoid catastrophic floods that hit parts of the kingdom Tarumanagara.

After the collapse of Tarumanagara kingdom (7th century), the kingdom which has considerable influence on the Bekasi is the Kingdom of Padjadjaran, visible from Slate historical sites (in Bogor), Sutarga further explained, that the World is part of the territory of the Kingdom of Padjadjaran and is one of the river ports visited by the merchants. Bekasi is a city that is very important for Padjadjaran, goes on to explain that: “..Pakuan is the capital of the Kingdom of Padjadjaran new. This change is based on the consideration of geopolitical and military strategy. Therefore, along the path traversed Pakuan many large rivers which flow rivers Ciliwung and Cisadane. Therefore, port cities were crowded when it will be easy as well controlled as Bekasi, Karawang, Coconut, Tangerang and Banten Sorasoan Mahaten or … “

So, time passed, the kingdom-by-kingdom grow, evolve, experience heyday, collapsed, a new kingdom arose. Position Bekasi still occupies a strategic position and recorded in the history of each kingdom (last recorded in history, kingdom is a kingdom Sumedanglarang master Bekasi, which became part of the Kingdom of Mataram). Even the evidence of the existence of this kingdom is still there, for example: the discovery of the tomb of Queen Wangsawidjaja and Barry (tombstone), tombs and wells Wijayakusumah bath contained in Ciketing village, village Mustika Jaya, Bantargebang. Where both headstones and condition of the well and surrounding rocks, indicating that he was parallel with the Kingdom of Sumedanglarang. Similarly, the invention of the chain in Chain Kobak, Sukamakmur Village, District Sukakarya (supposedly said, Kobak Chain area is the edge of the river large enough, to be able to navigable vessels. Strip is often used patrol boats from Sumedanglarang.

Bekasi Kab

Jobs Available

Pemkab Bekasi open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :

Formasi CPNS Bekasi 2014

Guru Kelas Pertama S.1 PGSD III/a
Guru Penjasorkes SD Pertama S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan Jasmani / Olahraga Kesehatan III/a
Guru Matematika Pertama S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan Bidang Matematika III/a
Guru BP/BK Pertama S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Bimbingan Penyuluhan / Konseling III/a
Guru IPA Pertama S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Biologi/Fisika/Kimia III/a
Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Bahasa Inggris III/a
Guru Fisika SMA S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Fisika III/a
Guru Penjaskes SMA S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan Jasmani / Olahraga Kesehatan III/a
Guru Biologi SMA S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Biologi III/a
Guru Teknik Elektronika Industri S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Teknik Elektro Industri III/a
Guru Teknik Jaringan Akses S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Teknik Jaringan/Teknik Informatika/Sistem Informatika III/a
Guru Teknik Pengelasan S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Teknik Mesin III/a
Guru Teknik Sepeda Motor S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Teknik Mesin / Teknik Otomotif III/a
Guru Bahasa Indonesia S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Bahasa/Sastra Indonesia III/a
Guru Teknik Audio – Video S.1 Ilmu Kependidikan bidang Teknik Multimedia & Jaringan / Design Komunikasi Visual III/a
Dokter Pertama S.1 Dokter III/b
Dokter Gigi Pertama S.1 Dokter gigi III/b
Dokter Spesialis Paru Pertama S.2 Ilmu Kedokteran Spesialis Penyakit Paru III/b
Dokter Spesialis Jantung pertama S.2 Ilmu Kedokteran Spesialis Jantung III/b
Dokter Spesialis Kandungan Pertama S.2 Ilmu Kedokteran Spesialis Kebidanan dan Kandungan III/b
Bidan pertama S.1 / D.IV Kebidanan III/a
Bidan Pelaksana D.III Kebidanan II/c
Perawat pertama S.1 Keperawatan + Ners III/a
Perawat Pelaksana D.III Keperawatan II/c
Apoteker pertama S.1 Apoteker III/b
Asisten Apoteker pelaksana D.III Farmasi II/c
Sanitarian pelaksana D.III Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan II/c
Analis Kebijakan pertama S.1 / D.IV Semua Jurusan III/a
Perancang Peraturan Perundang – undangan pertama S.1 Ilmu Hukum III/a
Analis Pengembangan Potensi Daerah S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Sosiologi/Sosiatri/Ilmu Ekonomi/Ekonomi Manajemen/Planalogi/SBM/Geodesi III/a
Analis Kelembagaan/Organisasi S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Sospol/Psikologi/Hukum/Manajemen SDM/Administrasi Negara III/a
Analis Pengelolaan Dana Bagi Hasil Pajak & SDA S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Ekonomi manajemen/ Hukum/Administrasi Negara/Manajemen/Kebijakan Publik/Ekonomi Pembangunan/Studi Perencanaan dan Pembangunan/Teknik Industri/ Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM)
Analis Pelayanan Publik S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Sospol/Psikologi/Hukum/Manajemen SDM/Ilmu Komunikasi III/a
Penyusun Risalah D.III Ilmu Bisnis dan Manajemen/Sospol/Ekonomi/Hukum/Akutansi dan Manajemen/Ekonomi/Akutansi Komputer II/c
Analis Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil S.1 / D.IV Hubungan Internasional/Ilmu Politik/Ilmu Komunikasi/Hubungan Masyarakat/Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Administrasi Umum III/a
Pengadministrasi Anggaran D III Ilmu Akutansi III/a
Pranata Hubungan Masyarakat pertama S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Komunikasi III/a
Teknik Tata Bangunan dan Perumahan pertama S.1 / D.IV Ilmu teknik bangunan dan perumahan III/a
Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan pertama S.1 / D.IV Iilmu teknik jalan dan jembatan III/a
Analis Arsitektur S.1 / D.IV Teknik Sipil III/a
Analis Bangunan dan Perumahan S.1 / D.IV Teknik Sipil/Teknik Arsitektur/teknik III/a
Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan pertama S.1 / D.IV Hukum, Sosial, Teknik Mesin, Industri. III/a
Analis Keolahragaan S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Keolahragaan III/a
Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor pelaksana D.III Ilmu Transportasi Darat II/c
Analis Angkutan Darat D.IV Ilmu Transportasi Darat III/a
Pemeriksa Lalu Lintas Darat D.III Ilmu Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan
Pengawas Lingkungan Hidup pertama S.1 / D.IV Ilmu lingkungan III/a
Pengendali Dampak Lingkungan pertama S.1 Ilmu lingkungan III/a
Inspektur Tambang pertama S.1 Ilmu teknik pertambangan III/a
Verifikator Keuangan D.III Ilmu Akuntansi/Akuntansi Komputer/Akutansi Perpajakan II/c
Auditor pertama S.1 / D.IV Akutansi/Ilmu Bisnis dan Manajemen/Sospol/Ekonomi/Hukum/Komputer III/a
Perencana pertama S.1 Semua Jurusan III/a
Penerjemah S.1 / D.IV Bahasa/sastra Jepang III/a
Analis Sistem Informasi dan Jaringan S.1 / D.IV Teknik Informatika/Sistem III/a
Informasi/Ilmu Komputer/Matematika
Arsiparis pertama S.1 / D.IV Kearsipan/Keperpustakaan III/a
Pengadministrasi Umum D.III Ilmu Bisnis dan Manajemen/Akuntansi/Komputer II/c
Pengawas Mutu Hasil Pertanian pertama S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Pertanian III/a
Penyuluh Pertanian pertama S.1 / D. IV Ilmu Pertanian III/a
Pengawas Mutu Pakan pertama S.1 / D.IV Ilmu Peternakan / Analais Kimia III/a
Pengendali Hama dan Penyakit Ikan pertama S.1 Ilmu Perikanan III/a

Jobs Description

CPNS Bekasi General Requirements:

  • Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Applicants must be graduates of State Universities / Private accredited, and / or has received permission from the Minister of the menyelenggarakanurusan implementation of government in education or other officials Legislation based education authorities;
  • Requirements Age Applicants aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years at tanggal1 December 2014, and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years of age on December 31, 2014;
  • Good character and never convicted prison or jail based on court decisions that have had a legally enforceable;
  • Able-bodied and do not use illegal drugs;
  • Not been dishonorably discharged, not at his own request, or not with respect as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Service or dishonorably discharged as a Private Employees;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants or the Civil Service;
  • Willing to resign from the management and / or membership of political parties if it passed as a civil servant.

Special Requirements

  • Having educational qualification / degree in accordance with the formation positions available;
  • Photocopy of Diploma and Transcript known or authorized by the competent authority.
  • Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) Electronic or cards that do not have a family for Electronic ID card.

Sites Reference

  1. www.bekasikab.go.id

Submit Application

Online registration at the portal Panselnas to get registration number, user and password :


Then go to : http://sscn.bkn.go.id and choose the Department you desired.


  • CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
  • Registration Information and Terms CPNS Bekasi in 2014 you can view at the official website of the city of Bekasi (Pemkab Bekasi): www.bekasikab.go.id. Such information will only be available after the vacancy CPNS 2014 Bekasi (Pemkab Bekasi) officially opened.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Kab Bekasi brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com