Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS BPKP
About Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP)
Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan – BPKP or Financial and Development Supervisory Agency is a non-ministerial government institution responsible for the implementation Indonesian government in the field of financial supervision and development in the form of Audit , Consulting , Assistance , Evaluation , Corruption Eradication and Monitoring Education and Training in accordance with applicable regulations .
Financial supervision and development results reported to the President as head of government as consideration for setting the policies of governance and accountability obligations . BPK monitoring results are also required by other government providers , including the provincial and district / city in the achievement and performance improvement lead agency
Duties and Functions and Activities conducted
BPK Government task in the field of financial supervision and development in accordance with the legislation in force .
In carrying out the task , BPK has the functions:
- assessment and formulation of national policies in the field of financial supervision and development ;
- formulation and implementation of policies in the field of financial supervision and development ;
- coordination of functional activities in the performance of duties BPK ;
- monitoring , mentoring and guidance to financial supervision and development ;
- development and implementation of public administration services in the field of general planning, administration , organization and management , personnel, finance , filing, legal , coding, equipment and household
In carrying out these functions , BPK has the authority :
- Macro national planning in the field;
- formulation of policies to support development macro ;
- establishment in the field of information systems ;
- guidance and supervision of the implementation of regional autonomy which includes providing guidance , counseling , training , direction , and supervision in the field;
- establishment of educational institutions and the accreditation requirements of the certification of professionals / experts in their fields and job requirements ;
- other authorities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force as entering all offices , workshops , warehouses , buildings , places of hoarding , and so on ; examine all records , electronic data , documents , books calculation , proof papers , minutes of committee meetings and the like , survey management reports , and other documents required in supervision ; supervision of cash , marketable securities , inventory and warehouse etc. ; ask follow-up information on the results of monitoring , supervision BPK own good results and outcomes supervision of the Supreme Audit Agency , and other oversight agencies .
Activities undertaken by the BPK , among others :
- Development of Internal Control Systems in government agencies both Government Ministry / LPNK and Local Government and other agencies
- Audit of the various activities of work unit within the Ministry / Officials and Local Government
- Policy Evaluation
- Fraud Control Plan
- Optimization of revenue
- Assistance to the implementation of Accounting System Central and Local Governments
- Assistance Accountability of Government Performance
- Assistance to the implementation of Good Corporate Governance
- Risk Management Based Audit
- Investigative audits on potential corruption cases
- Auditor Functional guidance of the Regional Inspectorate and the Inspectorate General
- Review of Government Financial Report
History of Financial and Development Supervisory Agency ( BPK ) can not be separated from the long history of the development of supervisory agencies since before the era of independence . By Besluit No. 44 dated October 31, 1936 explicitly stipulated that the State Accountant Djawatan ( Regering Accountantsdienst ) assigned to conduct a study of the books of various state enterprises and certain department . Thus , it can be said first control apparatus in Indonesia is Djawatan State Accountant ( AND ) . Structurally AND overseeing the management of state enterprises under Thesauri General in the Ministry of Finance .
By Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1961 on the instructions for the Chief Accountant Djawatan State ( AND ) , AND removed from the position of General Thesauri and enhanced its position directly under the Minister of Finance . AND is a tool of the government in charge of doing all the work of an accountant for the government upon all departments , department and agencies under his control . While the budget oversight functions carried out by the General Thesauri . Furthermore, by Presidential Decree No. 239 of 1966 established the State Financial Control Directorate generals ( DDPKN ) at the Ministry of Finance . DDPKN task ( known then as DJPKN ) includes budget control and oversight of the business / department , which was originally a task AND and Thesauri General .
DJPKN has the tasks of supervision of the implementation of the state budget , local budgets , and state-owned enterprises / regions . Based on Presidential Decree No. 70 of 1971 , specifically the Treasury Department , the task of the Inspectorate General of the state in the field of financial supervision is done by DJPKN .
Published by Presidential Decree No. 31 of 1983 dated May 30, 1983 . DJPKN transformed into BPK , a non-departmental government agencies (Officials ) which is under and responsible directly to the President . One consideration of the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 31 Year 1983 on the BPK is the need for oversight agencies or institutions that can carry out its function freely without any possibility of resistance to government organizational unit object examination . Presidential Decree No. 31 of 1983 shows that the Government has put the BPK organizational structure in accordance with the proportion in the constellation of government institutions that exist . BPK to the position that regardless of all the departments or agencies , of course, can better carry out its functions and objectives .
2001 issued Presidential Decree No. 103 on the Position , Task , Function , Authority, Organizational Structure , and Administration of the Department of Non-Government Organization , as amended several times , the latest by Presidential Regulation No. 64 of 2005 . Mentioned in Article 52 , BPK has the task of carrying out government duties in the field of financial supervision and development in accordance with the legislation in force .
The approach taken is directed BPK more preventive or coaching and not fully audit or repressive . Socialization activities , assistance or mentoring , and evaluation is an activity that began cultivated BPK . While the investigative audit conducted in assisting law enforcement agencies to calculate the financial losses the state .
At the time of this reform BPK many held Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) or a Memorandum of Understanding with local governments and departments / agencies as partners BPK . The MoU was generally help partners to improve its performance in order to achieve good governance .
As directed by the President on December 11, 2006 , BPK repositioning and revitalization of the function a second time . BPK repositioning and revitalization with the improvement of the vision , mission , and strategy . BPK ‘s new vision is ” Government Internal Auditors and Trusted Proactive Management in Transforming Government Towards Good Governance and Clean ” .
With this vision , BPK insists will be the main task in the development of preventive function . Results preventive surveillance ( prevention ) is modeled in the framework of the management system that is pre – emptive . If after monitoring results are an indication of the need for preventive analyzed in-depth audit , conducted surveillance of non justisia repressive . Repressive surveillance of non justisia used as a basis for building management systems better government to prevent moral hazard or potential irregularities (fraud ) . Task assistance to police investigators , prosecutors and the Commission , as trustee for the complete handling of TPK in order to provide a deterrent effect justisia repressive , so that is also a function of the state financial losses escort can optimize financial returns to the state .
Jobs Available
Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
- Auditor Pertama
- S1 Akuntansi
- S1 Manajemen dan Ekonomi
- S1 Teknologi Inforrnasi
- S1 Science dan Teknologi
- S2 Psikologi
- S1 Hukum
- S2 Kebijakan Publik
- S1 Statistik
- S2 Manajernen Pendidikan
Jobs Description
General Requirements:
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Have high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
- Has status as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servant.
- There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as CPNS / PNS / Members Military / Police or dishonorably discharged as a private employee.
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that already have permanent legal force, due to perform a criminal act.
- Not a member of a political party or committee.
Submit Application
Online registration at the portal Panselnas :
- (to get registration number, user and password)
- Then go to : and choose the Department you desired.
- CPNS TKD test will be performed with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS BPKP brougth to you by lokecpnsbumn