Lowongan CPNS Batan – Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional



Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Batan

About Badan Tenaga Nulkir Nasional (BATAN)

Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional – BATAN or National Nuclear Energy Agency – is the Indonesian Ministry of Non-Government Institutions in charge of carrying out government duties in the field of research, development, and utilization of nuclear energy. Batan chief currently held by Dr. Head Hudi BATAN Hastowo which replaces the previous period is Dr. Soedyartono Soentono, M.Sc.

In accordance with the Law. 10 Year 1997 on Nuclear and Presidential Decree No.. 64 In 2005, BATAN designated as non departmental government agency, is under and responsible to the President. BATAN headed by a Chief and coordinated by the Ministry of Research and Technology.

BATAN main tasks is to carry out government duties in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy in accordance with the legislation in force.

In carrying out this task, BATAN the following functions:

  1. Assessment and formulation of national policies in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy.
  2. Coordinate activities in pelajsanaan BATAN task.
  3. Facilitation and guidance to government agencies in the areas of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy.
  4. Provide guidance to the public administration in the field of general planning, administration, organization and administration, personnel, finance, archival, legal, coding, and household supplies.

3 pieces BATAN operate nuclear reactors in Indonesia, 2 reactor Triga Mark II and a 30 MW nuclear reactor in Serpong.


Jobs Available

BATAN open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :

Formasi CPNS Batan 2014

Formasi CPNS Batan 2014

Jobs Description


  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Well-behaved and have never been imprisoned (confinement)
  • Not in a position as a board member / members of political parties
  • There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as PNS / Members military / police or as private employees
  • Physically and mentally healthy, not color blind,
  • Not in pregnant and non-pregnant willing for status as a civil servant
  • Has status as a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) / Civil Servant (PNS).


  • GPA:
    • at least 2.75 for Physician / S1 / DIV and DIII;
    • least 2.50 for S1 Mining Engineering / Engineering Geology
  • age:
    • Doctor: A maximum of 30 years on December 1, 2014
    • S1 and DIV: Maximum 27 years on December 1, 2014
    • DIII: Maximum 25 years on December 1, 2014
  • Originating from university with a course of study in accordance with the terms of office required, with minimum accreditation B.
  • Graduates of Foreign Universities must attach a certificate validation decision letter from the Directorate General of Higher Education (Higher Education).

Sites Reference

  1. www.batan.go.id

Submit Application

Applicants apply On-Line through website of the National Selection Committee (https://panselnas.menpan.go.id) to obtain a username and password;

Registration through http://sscn.bkn.go.id address. by using the username and password at point 1 to get a Registration Card;

Registration is open from August 20 till 3 September 2014, and file an application is received by the Procurement Committee BATAN CPNS later than September 3, 2014;

Application documents sent by post in a sealed envelope and addressed to:

Kepala Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional
Kantor Pusat Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional,
Jl. Kuningan Barat, Mampang Prapatan,
Jakarta 12710,
Kotak Pos 4390 Jakarta 12043

Application file consists of:

  1. Cover letter handwritten and signed in black ink (not to be typed)
  2. Printout (print-out) Registration Card which has been signed;
  3. Curriculum vitae;
  4. Diploma and Transcript photocopies that have been certified by the competent authority, certificate of graduation / diploma while not applicable;
  5. Photocopy of diploma and transcripts for graduate applicants DIII S1 of DIII programs;
  6. Certificate of Accreditation for the accreditation of the diploma does not list;
  7. Statement letter would be made ??to pay compensation according to sample click here;
  8. The statement in the letter was not pregnant and not willing to become pregnant during BATAN civil servant, for female participants click here;
  9. Color photographs size 3 x 4 cm 2 pieces and 4 x 6 cm 2 pieces;
  10. Photocopy of ID card;
  11. Photocopying Page Title and Abstract Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation.

Applicants who do not meet the specified requirements and / or do not submit the appropriate application file is specified, disqualified;

If applicants have difficulty accessing the site sscn.bkn.go.id to contact the State Personnel Board, tel (021) 8093008 ext 4220 and 4204;

Applicants are not charged a fee. If any party / person who promises help to be accepted into CPNS BATAN with or without asking anything in return in the form of an act of fraud, to immediately contact BATAN on Monday – Thursday till 07:30 hours 16:00 pm, Friday 07:30 till 16:30 pm by phone (021) 5204245, (021) 5251109, Pes. 383, 366 and 0859-4535-9836 (not receive sms) or email to cpns2014@batan.go.id.

Tests carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Basic Competence Test (TKD): Computer system implemented using Asissted Test (CAT); CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
  2. Competency Test Field (TKB): Applicants are eligible for only TKB TKD 4 best results for each formation position.
  3. Location Basic Competence Test (TKD):
  4. Regional Office of the State Personnel Board of Yogyakarta to applicants who choose the placement office in Yogyakarta;
  5. Regional Office of the State Personnel Board Bandung for applicants who choose the placement office in London;
  6. Regional Office of the State Personnel Board of Jakarta can be followed by each applicant.


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan CPNS Batan brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn