Lowongan CPNS Bakorkamla
About Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia (Bakorkamla)
Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia – BAKORKAMLA or Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board (IMSCB) is an Indonesian agency that deals with maritime security. The main task of Bakorkamla is to coordinate policy development and implementation of maritime security operations in an integrated manner. BAKORKAMLA is based in Jakarta and headquartered in Jl DR Sutomo 11 Jakarta 10710. Bakorkamla Membership consists of: Chairman, Secretary, Members and Daily Implementation. Currently, the Chairman of BAKORKAMLA is Djoko Suyanto (also act as the Minister of Coordinating for Political, Legal, and Security).
Homeland marine areas is expected , reaching 5.8 million km ² or about 75 % of the total area . The sea area consists of the area of marine waters ( territorial ) 0.8 % million km ² , marine archipelago ( islands ) 2.3 million km ² , and area Exclusive Economic Zone of 2.7 million km ² . Indonesia’s strategic geographical position , has 3 ( three ) Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes ( ALKI ) the Malacca Strait , lombol Strait , Sunda Strait .
Sovereignty ( sovereignty ) and the sovereign rights ( sovereignty right) above the sea state is a state’s right to do the regulation, supervision , protection , and processing over the sea in order to protect national interests at sea . Therefore, the Indonesian maritime security agenda is comprehensive and integrated meruapakan a must .
Maritime Security Coordinating Board was initially formed in 1972 through a joint decree of the Minister of Defense and Security / Armed Forces , Minister of Transportation , Minister of Finance , Minister of Justice and Attorney General , No. KEP/B/45/XII/1972 ; SK/901 / M/1972 ; KEP.779/MK/III/12/1972 ; JS8/72/1 ; KEP-085/JA/12/1972 on the Establishment of Marine Safety Coordinating and Executing Joint Operations Command Safety at Sea .
A change in governance and the development of today’s strategic environment , Maritime Security Coordinating Board requires rearrangement in order to improve coordination among various government agencies in the field of maritime security . Thinking about the need for reorganization of the Maritime Security Coordinating Board in lieu of a pre-built ( 1972 ) , in 2003 by the Decree of the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security , No. Kep.05/Menko/Polkam/2/2003 then formed working group of Planning security and Law Enforcement at Sea .
Through a series of seminars and cross-sectoral coordination meetings , then on December 29, 2005 , it established the Presidential Regulation No. 81 Year 2005 on Maritime Security Coordinating Board ( BAKORKAMLA ) the legal basis of the organizations that we have with this .

Jobs Available
Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic Indonesian young people for the following challenging positions as :
Jobs Description
- Age 18-35 years
- No status as CPNS / PNS / TNI members / police
- Never diberhentukan with no respect for themselves or not to demand respect as PNS / TNI members / police officer or as private
- Not being in a position as a manager / member of the political party
- Never sentenced to prison or confinement based on justice putursan
- Not involved with drugs – illicit drug users or dealers well as
- Ready placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia
- Committee decision in the case of approval of the applicant / applicants at every level test in absolute and can not be proceeded
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please register by online through :
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- Prepare yourself with the best – well. Problem mainly in the face of Test CPNS CAT System, More info:Click Here
- Online registration 2 – 15 September 2013).
- All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted
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