Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS ANRI
About Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI)
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia – ANRI is a Non Government Organization established under Act No. 7 of 1971 on the Basic Provisions of Filing which is then converted into Law No. 43 Year 2009 About Arsip in order to carry out tasks in the field of government archives in accordance with the provisions of the legislation applicable.
ANRI has a very important task in the operation of the current government because of Arsip itself has a very vital function as a collective memory of the nation, but it also serves as an adviser ANRI National Arsip in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1 of Law No. 43 of 2009.
Arsip can be illustrated journey through the history of the nation from time to time. The collective memory is also the identity and dignity of a nation. Academic awareness based on moral burden to save the national archives as evidence of accountability as well as the nation’s cultural heritage, to avoid loss of information as well as the history of a nation’s dignity as a civilized nation.
- Carry out tasks in the field of archives administration in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.
ANRI Function
- Assessment and formulation of national policies in the field of archives
- Coordinate activities in institutions task execution
- Facilitation and support to government institutions in the field of archives
- To provide guidance and general administrative services in the field of general planning, administration, organization and governance, personnel, finance, archival, legal, coding, and household supplies.
ANRI Authority
- Preparation of a national plan macro in archives
- Establishment and implementation of national archives to support macro development
- Determination of information systems in the field of archives
- Another inherent authority and has been implemented in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, namely:
- Formulation and implementation of specific policies in the field of archives
- Rescue and preservation of archives and manuscripts utilization of archival sources.
Jobs Available
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
Formasi CPNS ANRI 2014
- Arsiparis Pelaksana
- Arsiparis Pertama
- Pranata Komputer Pelaksana
- Pranata Komputer Pertama
- Analis Kepegawaian Pertama
- Assessor SDM
- Aparatur Pertama
- Auditor Pertama
- Perencana Pertama
- Peneliti Pertama
- Widyaiswara Pertama
- Sekretaris
- Teknisi Peralatan, Listrik dan Elektronika
- Pemelihara Gedung
- Teknisi Mesin
- Verifikator Keuangan
Jobs Description
- Indonesian Citizens fear of God Almighty and obey Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution;
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Pass formal S-2, S-1, D-3 of the State Universities accredited A or B, or private universities accredited and Vocational School (SMK);
- Not located as members of Political Parties;
- Not located as CPNS / PNS / Prospective Members army / police, or members of the military / police;
- Never use and / or trafficking of drugs and / or psychotropic substances illegally;
- Never been honorably discharged or not with respect as PNS / Members Military / Police, Employees state / local enterprises;
- Not been dishonorably discharged as a private employee;
- Not been or are undergoing imprisonment for any crime;
- Not married / married to a foreign national or stateless;
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Special Requirements
1 Applicants for positions with the Graduate Education Terms (S-2):
- Aged up to 32 (thirty two) years of age on August 1, 2014;
- A minimum GPA of 3.5 (three point five);
- PTN: Accreditation Department Minimal “B”
- From PTS: Accreditation Department Minimal “A”
- Enclose Certificate of Accreditation from BAN PT
- Can operate a computer.
2 Applicants for positions with the Terms of Bachelor of Education (S-1):
- Aged up to 30 (thirty) years of age on August 1, 2014;
- A minimum GPA of 3.00 (three point zero);
- PTN: Accreditation Department Minimal “B”
- From PTS: Accreditation Department Minimal “A”
- Enclose Certificate of Accreditation from BAN PT
- Able to operate computer
3 Applicants for positions with the Terms Education Diploma (D-3)??:
- Aged up to 27 (twenty seven) years of age on August 1, 2014;
- A minimum GPA of 2.8 (two point eight);
- PTN: Accreditation Department Minimal “B”
- From PTS: Accreditation Department Minimal “A”
- Enclose Certificate of Accreditation from BAN PT
- Can operate a computer.
4 Applicants for positions with the Terms Education Vocational School (SMK):
- Aged up to 25 (twenty five) years of age on August 1, 2014;
- Minimal value of the average degree of 7 (seven) of the Public School or Private Accreditation “A”;
- Can operate a computer.
Submit Applciation
A. Registration of application will be determined later by the National Selection Committee by completing the registration form;
B. Application forms filled in online at CPNS NATIONAL SELECTION SYSTEM 2014 : address or the address determined in accordance with the stages, by selecting agency will be proposed INDONESIA NATIONAL ARCHIVES. Then the application file is sent to the Admissions Committee CPNS ANRI with the address: No. 7 Jalan Ampera Raya, South Jakarta 12560;
C. Application documents can be sent via email to the address, resume format that is sent via email can be found in the appendix to this announcement;
D. The application consists of:
- Proof of registration (registration forms that have been registered online);
- Cover letter handwritten on paper folio lined and addressed to : Kepala ANRI c.q. Panitia Penerimaan CPNS ANRI, Jalan Ampera Raya Nomor 7, Jakarta Selatan 12560;
- Photocopy of Identity Card is still valid;
- Photocopy of diploma certified by a competent authority;
- Copy of academic transcript legalized by the competent authority;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Color photo fit the size of 4 x 6 3 (three) pieces and clear the name written behind the photo;
E. Application documents neatly arranged in the order above, in:
- Map Red: for S-2;
- Yellow Folder : to S-1;
- Green Folder : to D-3;
- Blue Folder : to SMK.
Card / CPNS Registration Receipt affixed to the front page of the folder, and the placement of code written on the top right corner, then put it in an envelope.
- ANRI CPNS test will be done online with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- Exam CPNS ANRI is free of charge;
- ANRI is not responsible for any fees or offer form by elements ANRI or on behalf of the Committee;
- Application documents received become the property of the Committee and shall not be refunded by the Applicant;
- Selection is done by knockout and the Committee’s decision can not be contested;
- For those who have passed until the final stage of selection, but resigned, shall be liable to the obligation to pay Rp. 15.000.000, – (fifteen million dollars) to be paid to the state treasury;
- If applicants provide information or data that is not correct, either at each stage of the test, and after it passed and was appointed CPNS / PNS ANRI, then the ANRI right to cancel participation in the applicant stage of the test and or dismiss as CPNS / PNS ANRI, and report it as a follow-criminal to the authorities for giving false information;
- ANRI applications received prior to the date of this announcement, declared null and void.
- Source
Lowongan CPNS ANRI brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn