Lowongan Kerja BCA Palembang
About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA)

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. – BCA officially founded on 21 February 1957 with name Bank Central Asia NV. Lots of things has traversed since the bank was founded, and perhaps the most significant is the monetary crisis that occurred in 1997.
The crisis brings a tremendous impact at overall banking system in Indonesia. However, specifically, this condition affects cash flow in BCA and even had threatened the continuation. Many client panic and then abuzz withdrawn their cash. As a result, the bank forced ask for help from Indonesian Government. And then Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN) then take over BCA in 1998.
With the wisdom of business and decision-making that wise, BCA successfully recovered in the same year. In December 1998, fund from was returned to the point before crisis. BCA’s asset reached Rp 67.93 trillion, whereas in December 1997 only Rp 53.36 trillion. Public confidence to BCA have fully recovered, and BCA submitted by BPPN to Bank Indonesia in 2000.
Jobs Available
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk seeks extraordinarily talented individuals to fill the following positions :
- BCA Development Program (BDP)
- Program Staf Pendukung Operasi (PSPO)
- Program Account Officer (PAO)
- Program Frontliner (PFL)
- Magang Bakti
- Program Pendidikan Akuntansi (PPA)
Jobs Description
BCA Development Program (BDP)
- Minimum S1/S2.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 for S1 and 3.25 for S2 (on a 4-point scale)
- Maximum age of 25 years old for S1 and 27 years old for S2.
- Single/not married and willing to not married during education program.
- Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia.
- Willing to undergo bond.
- Passed in all selection process.
Program Staf Pendukung Operasi (PSPO)
- Minimum S1.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 for S1.
- Maximum age of 25 years old.
- Passed in all selection process.
Program Account Officer (PAO)
- Minimum S1.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 (on a 4-point scale)
- Maximum age of 25 years old.
- Single/not married.
- Willing to be placed at selection cities or by agreement.
- Passed in all selection process.
Program Frontliner (PFL)
- Minimum D3/S1.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 for D3 and 2.50 for S1 (on a 4-point scale).
- Maximum age of 25 years old.
- Passed in all selection process.
Magang Bakti
- Minimum SMA/SMK/Diploma/S1.
- Minimum average report cards of 6.50 (SMA/SMK) and minimum GPA of 2.50 (Diploma/S1).
- Age between 18 – 25 years old.
- Willing to not mariied during the internship program.
- Willing to be placed at selection cities.
- Passed in all selection process.
Program Pendidikan Akuntansi (PPA)
- Minimum SMA/SMK or final year SMA/SMK students.
- Maximum age of 20 years old.
- Minimum average report cards of 7.00 (Class 1, 2, 3) with minimum Mathematics score of 7.00 (IPA) and minimum Economic/Accounting score of 7.00 (IPS/SMK).
- Never failing a grade.
- Passed in all selection process.
Sites reference
Submit Application
Please send application letter, CV, photograph 4×6 (1 piece), copies of ID Card, report cards in each semester (for PPA Position), diploma and transcript to :
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
Jl. Kapten A Rivai No 22 Lt 4 Palembang 30129 Up PSDM Kanwil VI.
- Please write position code on top right of your envelope.
- Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses
- Source
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