Internships Training Program PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) 2013



Pelatihan Pemagangan PT PAL

About PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) was established by the Netherlands’s government in 1939 under its original name of MARINE ESTABLISHMENT (ME). The Company was renamed Kaigun SE 2124 while under the colonial governance of Japan. After Independence Day, the Indonesian Government nationalized the colonial Company and renamed it Penataran Angkatan Laut (PAL). On April 15, 1980, the status of the Company was changed from a Public Company (Perusahaan Umum) to a Limited Company (Perseroan Terbatas) in accordance with notary deed No.12 of Hadi Moentoro, SH.

The factory is located at Ujung, Surabaya and the main activities of the Company are the manufacturing of naval and merchant ship, docking repairs and maintenance, and general engineering based on job orders.

The distinguished re-engineering ability of PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) has entered the world market and the quality is renowned worldwide. Ships produced in PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) are now sailing the seas all over the world.

Company Contact

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)
Jl. Ujung, Kel. Ujung, Kec. Semampir, PO.BOX 1134
Surabaya 60155
Telp : 031-3292275, 3292530
Website :

Jobs Available

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) in cooperation with DISNAKERTRANSDUK Prov Jatim & FKJP JATIM are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to join as :

Pelatihan-Pemagangan di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

  1. Plat Fitter / Konstruksi Kapal Baja
  2. Pengelasan Pelat
  3. Pengelasan Pipa
  4. Operator Crane PT PAL
  5. Listrik PT. Bambang Djaja
  6. Las PT. Bambang Djaja

Jobs Description

General Requirements
Max age 23 years old in 22 April 2013
Fill out the registration form that comes with
Copy of latest education certificate/certificate of final exams
Copy of ID Card
Color photograph 3×4 cm (2 sheets)
Medical certificate
Statements letter : able to follow the apprenticeship training program (supplied)

Sites Reference

Submit Application

Should you meet all of the requirements above, please fill out registration form and submit with complete applications above not later than 19 May 2013 to :

Gedung Diklat Divisi BIN ORG & SDM
PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Closing date

May 19, 2013

Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

Pealtihan Pemagangan PT PAL brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn